UC Anthropology is managing the University of Cincinnati's responsibilities under NAGPRA, resulting from numerous excavations by faculty in the 1960's - 1980's and, to a lesser extent, the department's Cultural Resource Management group in the 1980's. UC's National NAGPRA Inventory can be viewed here https://grantsdev.cr.nps.gov/NagpraPublic/Home/Inventory, but please note that updated inventories will be filed in the near future. We are particularly interested in resolving the disposition / affiliation of ancestors initially designated as culturally unaffiliated (CUI) and reassociating them with funerary objects for repatriation.
UC NAGPRA Pledge: We are committed to and invested in returning all ancestors, funerary objects, and items of cultural patrimony to affiliated federally recognized tribe.
UC NAGPRA Policy: As of 2021, we have imposed a moratorium on NAGPRA collections research. Student and faculty research on collections is prohibited, except when requested by tribal partners as part of the documentation process. Access to NAGPRA collections is strictly limited to the NAGPRA Director (Dr. Susan Allen), NAGPRA Coordinator and Tribal Liaison (Dr. Cheryl Johnston), and NAGPRA Collections Manager (Mr. Jacob Weakley). Student assistance with NAGPRA documentation is restricted to those students who meet criteria developed in collaboration with our current federally recognized tribal partners. Any new UC excavations of Native American archaeological sites will require monitoring by at least one representative or appointee of potential descendant federally recognized tribes.
UC NAGPRA Support: UC's NAGPRA work since 2021 has been supported by UC's College of Arts and Sciences, Provost's Office, Department of Anthropology, and Department of Classics, as well as a FY22 NAGPRA Consultation and Documentation Grant from the Department of the Interior / National Park Service. Replace with your text