Asian Studies Graduate Certificate

About the Program

Asia is gaining increasing economic and strategic prominence in the world, and Asian countries have rich and fascinating cultures and heritages. The Asian Studies graduate certificate at the University of Cincinnati is an interdisciplinary program of study on Asia, with courses from the humanities and social sciences. The certificate is a useful additional credential for students obtaining graduate degrees in these disciplines, as well as for students in business, education, planning, engineering, law, and other areas. It is also open to those who already have an undergraduate degree but are currently not enrolled in a degree program at the University of Cincinnati.


The Asian Studies graduate certificate requires at least 12 credits and three core courses in Asian studies, including Aist 7050 – Survey of Asian Studies.

Core Classes counting for the graduate certificate include:

AIST 7050                                            Survey of Asian Studies (required)
ARTH 6050, 6051                                Japanese Prints, Japanese Art
AIST 6171, 6172                                 Topics in Asian Art, Asian Culture
AIST 7078, 7083, 7084                       Japan, China, East Asia
HIST 6024 / WGS 6024/ AIST 6024  Gender & Empire
HIST 6000 / WGS 7027                     Gender, Sexuality, and Society
HIST6025 / WGS 6025                      Women in South Asia
HIST7054 , 7056, 8047, 7052           Topics in History - East Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, Islamic                                                                     World
MUHS 6067                                       Ethnomusicology (on Music of the Himalayas; Classical Indian                                                            Music; Music in South Asia, etc.)
MUHS 6082-83                                 World Music Lab (on Indian instruments, Himalayan Music, etc.)
POL 6064                                          South Asia and the World
POL 6083                                         China and America
POL 6086                                         Asian Politics / Asian Security
GEOL 6021/41, EVST 6041             Geology of the Himalayas

Non-Core Classes (a combination of two non-core classes can count as a single core class)

POL 6065                                        Women & Sustainable Development (with class research paper on                                                          Asia)
POL 6068, 7068                              Nation, Race, Identity (with class research paper on Asia)
POL 7069                                        Democracy and Development (with class research paper on Asia)
PLAN 6032                                     Sustainable Development – Global Issues (with class research paper                                                         on Asia)
PLAN 6062                                     Energy Planning and Conservation (with class research paper on                                                         Asia)

Other graduate classes covering Asia from the above or other departments may be considered upon confirmation by the Asian Studies director. Language classes do not count for this certificate.


Please fill out the application at the Graduate School Website 

Approximately two weeks ahead of submitting the application, students should email the Asian Studies director to inform them that they intend to apply to the program and to indicate their planned courses for the certificate.

Further Information

Please refer to the Asian Studies Homepage, or contact Professor Junko Markovich, Director of Asian Studies.