German Studies Major

Major Details

For our students in the BA program we provide intensive and state-of-the art instruction in German language, literature and culture. As a student works toward their degree, they learn about contemporary German culture as well as the country's history. Our curriculum includes courses taught in both German and English. The department's faculty is dedicated to help students develop their interests and to ensure their progress through the program. Our graduates are qualified for work in any number of professions and business environments that require German language skills and intercultural competency.

UC's College of Arts and Sciences' flexible degree requirements allow for and highly encourage students to pursue multiple areas of study. Free electives allow for enough credits for students to pursue a minor, certificate program or even complete a second major. Some of the most common pairings are listed below.

  • International Affairs
  • Other languages and area studies programs
  • History
  • Anthropology
  • Philosophy
  • Geography
  • Sociology
  • Women's, gender, and sexuality studies


This curriculum information is intended as a general information guide for students considering enrollment in this program. These online tools are designed to assist you, but are not a substitute for planning with an academic or faculty advisor.

If you are currently confirmed or enrolled, you can check your degree requirements online. If you are considering transferring to this major from another school, use to see how credits you have earned will transfer to UC. See course descriptions by college.

Curriculum Guide Versions:

German Studies Curriculum Guide

German Studies Major Checklist