Why Study German Studies?

What is German Studies?

German Studies is an interdisciplinary program that focuses on the language, culture, history, politics, media and literature of Germany and other German-speaking countries, as well as their influence on other cultures in Europe and beyond. The program specializes in contemporary Germany, which boasts one of the world's most powerful economies and holds a central leadership role within the European Union. We believe, however, that today's Germany cannot be understood without reference to German history. Therefore, we offer courses that range from the Middle Ages to the 21st century and deal with a wide variety of topics and texts. We also place a great deal of emphasis on the impact that German culture has had on Cincinnati and consider German-American studies to be a vital component of German.

Through academic course work, participation in study-abroad programs and interaction with outstanding faculty and visiting lecturers from around the world, German majors and minors have the opportunity to broaden their horizons and develop skills that will enrich their lives and enable them to contribute to greater global awareness when they assume roles in careers and society.

Career Possibilities

Students with a B.A. in German studies often pursue teaching careers, either in secondary education or in colleges and universities, following completion of graduate studies in the field. Many go on to professional schools, such as law and medicine. Other graduates become interpreters, translators and researchers or establish careers in the business world. Through careful planning, students can major in two fields and thus gain a greater breadth in their studies. German studies majors have gone on to become:

  • Anthropologist
  • Foreign correspondent
  • Exchange trader
  • Foreign service officer
  • Social worker
  • International account manager
  • Interpreter
  • National security agent
  • Teacher
  • Translator

Additional career options are listed on the Career Development Center's Web site.