Image of africana studies professors and students at graduation

Africana Studies

Africana Studies is devoted to the academic study of the history, culture and politics of African, African American, Afro-Latin, Afro-Caribbean and Afro-European populations. This interdisciplinary program employs analytical tools from fields such as Sociology, Literature, and History to explore important social issues facing people of African descent in continental Africa and throughout the African Diaspora.

The Department of Africana Studies encourages research and scholarship in many dimensions of African and African American experiences. The faculty and staff feel that the task of bringing about needed changes in this society rests with those who are intellectually prepared.

The department also seeks connections with the community -black, white and other- in Cincinnati. A commitment to social activism has been, is, and always should be a dimension of a program based in large part on justice.

The UC Arts and Sciences Department of Africana Studies offers:

News and Announcements

UC Africana Studies Hosting NCBS Conference 2025! - More information to come!

Black FUTURE Month

Join the Department of Africana Studies, the College of A&S, the Taft Research Center, and the Office of the Vice Provost in celebrating the 99th anniversary of “Black History Month” in America. With 35+ events in 28 days, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Scan the QR code for the full, interactive calendar, and we’ll see you in February!

2024 Friends of Africana Studies Gala of Giving

Thank you for an unforgettable evening at the 2023 Friends of Africana Studies Gala of Giving at Ludlow Wines!

Virtual Thank you Card!

$750,000 Secured for Locally-Led Preservation Project!

$750,000 - 1

Our faculty just helped secure $750,000 for the restoration of the United Colored American Cemetery! Africana Studies is proud to Partner with Union Baptist Church in this locally-led preservation project fund by the National Parks Service as part of the Historic Preservation Fund History of Equal Rights grant program!


2024 Africana Studies Spring Course Offerings

Registration for the Spring 2024 semester is now open!

Check out the Department of Africana Studies Spring 2024 course offerings: Africana Studies Spring Courses List and Register Today for Spring Classes!

New Faculty

Felicia Bishop Denaud

Felicia Denaud is a 2022 graduate of Brown University. Her research revolves around a broad spectrum of intellectual discourse, including 20th century Black Radical Political Thought, Critical Theory, Theories of Black Feminism, Revolution and Revolt in the Black Diaspora, and Black Women’s Written, Visual, and Performance Art, across the Diaspora. Dr. Denaud is an important addition to the department. A big welcome to Dr. Denaud and her family to Cincinnati and the Department of Africana Studies.  

Holly Y. McGee

We are pleased to welcome Dr. Holly Y. McGee, to the Department of Africana Studies. A 2011 graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Dr. McGee is an Associate Professor of U.S History, with a minor in African American, South African History, and Women’s Studies. She is the author of Radical Antiapartheid Internationalism and Exile: The Life of Elizabeth Mafeking (Routledge Press, 2019) and One day we are Going Home: The Long Exile of Elizabeth Mafeking (Sentia Publishing, 2020).

AFST Faculty in the Community & Beyond

Professor Guy-Lucien Whembolua was a speaker at the inaugural Black Male Summit on Saturday at the University of Cincinnati on April 7th, 2022, where he spoke on the subject of Black Men Mental Health and Awareness. 

The News Record Article on the Black Male Summit Event.

On November 23rd, 2021, Professor Edward Wallace was interviewed by The News Record, on the subject of “Health Disparities in Marginalized Populations.” 

On September 18th, 2021, Professor Edward Wallace was a panelist on the television program, Let’s Talk Cincy which focused on “Ending High Rates of Infant Mortality in the Black Community.” 

Cassandra L. Jones, Ph.D.

Cassandra L. Jones, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Africana Studies and an affiliate faculty member in Film and Media Studies and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies received the Taft Center Research Fellow for 2020-2021. During her fellowship, she will be completing her manuscript, Memory and Liberation in Black Women’s Speculative Fiction, under contract with Ohio State University Press for the New Suns: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the Speculative series. The book explores memory and decolonization found in tropes of alien invasion, time travel, and rootworking in the speculative fiction of authors such as Octavia E. Butler, Tananarive Due, and Nnedi Okorafor.  

Edward Wallace

Edward Wallace, Ph.D. Associate Professor appeared on WCPO TV, Cincinnati, Ohio, where he discussed why Blacks are dying from the Coronavirus at higher rates than whites.

His interview on Emerging Trend: Blacks Are Dying from Coronavirus at Higher Rates appeared in the Loveland Beacon Online Newspaper, from-coronavirus-at-higher-rates/

In two separate interviews with the Cincinnati Herald, Dr. Wallace discussed why Blacks are more likely to have diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease making them more susceptible to contracting COVID-19 and why he thinks African American Health Disparities will remain post COVID-19. 

Professor Whembolua

Guy-Lucien Whembolua, Ph.D. Associate Professor received the 2020 Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award. The award recognizes faculty members for their support and encouragement to students interested in pursuing graduate education. 

Together with Dr. Chism, Mr. Ward, Mrs. Nessa and Mrs. Segovia, Professor Whembolua served as a Panelist for the Webinar on the impact of COVID-19 on Education, Staff, Students and Families organized by the Citizens and Community Creating Change on July 25, 2020.

Charles L. Jones, PhD. After five years leading the department, Dr. Jones stepped down as head of Africana Studies on August 15th, 2020. He is succeeded by Dr. Joseph Takougang, who previously served as head of Africana Studies, and later, as Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.


Dr. Charles Jones

After nearly four decades as an educator, Dr. Charles E. Jones III retired from the University of Cincinnati on April 30th, 2022. Prior to his arrival at the University of Cincinnati in September of 2011, Dr. Jones was an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, and later, was the Founding Chair of the Department of African American Studies at Georgia State University, from 1994 to 2011.  Dr. Jones served as head of the Department of Africana Studies at the University of Cincinnati from 2015 to 2022. We thank him for his service, and the impact he left on the lives of his students,  the department of Africana Studies, and the entire University of Cincinnati community.

Nancy Nzobigeza posing in her graduation cap in front a UC Sign

Nancy Nzobigeza is a 2019 graduate of the University of Cincinnati. She earned a BS in Biological Sciences and two certificates, including a certificate in African studies from the Department of Africana Studies. She will be attending medical school at American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine in fall 2020.


2024 MacArthur Fellow Ruha Benjamin to speak at UC

Event: March 7, 2025 6:00 PM

Renowned scholar, writer and educator Ruha Benjamin will visit the University of Cincinnati on March 7 to deliver the Taft Research Center’s annual keynote lecture. Benjamin is a sociologist and a professor of African American Studies at Princeton University. She also holds the position of the Alexander Stewart 1886 Professor of African American Studies at Princeton, and is the founding director of the Ida B. Wells Just Data Lab, and an award-winning author.


Members of A&S community to be honored at Onyx and Ruby Gala

February 14, 2025

At this year’s 11th annual Onyx & Ruby Gala, two members of the Arts and Sciences community will be celebrated: Candice Matthews Brackeen, A&S ‘04, and Jaela Kennedy, A&S ‘25. Each year the UC Alumni Association’s African American Alumni Affiliate hosts the Onyx & Ruby Gala to celebrate and honor the accomplishments of six esteemed alumni and students. The gala also serves as a fundraiser for the Shani Scholarship, providing students with the opportunity to study abroad. This year’s gala will take place Feb. 22 at Great American Ball Park.


Black FUTURE month underway with something for all

February 10, 2025

Get ready for a month full of celebrations, from galas to thought-provoking conversations to delicious food! Black FUTURE Month, sponsored through UC’s College of Arts and Sciences, is underway to observe Black History Month.


UC: Spice up your spring courses next semester

November 5, 2024

As students forge ahead through the fall semester, Open Enrollment season quickly approaches. New and continuing students at the University of Cincinnati are able to login to Catalyst and enroll in spring semester courses beginning on November 25. The College of Arts & Sciences offers a wide range of unique courses that can help students fill a few extra credit hours while having fun in a memorable class.

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Department Contact Information

Department of Africana Studies
University of Cincinnati
PO Box 210370
3428 French Hall West
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0370
PH: (513) 556-0350
FAX: (513) 556-6771

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