External Scholarship Opportunities
The department has compiled a list of Scholarship, Intership, and Research tailored to support students with interests in fields related to Africana studies. Whether you're studying africana studies, chemistry, engineering, media, or hospitality, explore these resources to find the right fit for your educational and professional journey.
- AAAS Minority Science Writers Internship
For minority students interested in journalism as a career and who want to learn about science writing at Science Magazine for 10 weeks over the summer.
- ABA Diversity Scholarship
For students pursuing a career in the management and operation ranks of the transportation, travel, and tourism industry.
- Academic Competitiveness Grant
For first-year and second-year college students.
- ACS Scholars Program
Sponsored by the American Chemical Society; students who want to enter the fields of chemistry or chemistry-related fields.
- Actuarial Diversity Scholarship
For minority students pursuing a degree that may lead to a career in the actuarial profession.
- AICPA Scholarship for Minority Accounting Students
Sponsored by the American Institute of CPAs.
- Akash Kuruvilla Memorial Scholarship Fund
For students who demonstrate excellence in leadership, diversity, integrity, and academia.
- Alphonso Deal Scholarship Award
Sponsored by the National Black Police Association, for a student (male or female) seeking higher educational training in the academics of law enforcement, or other related areas.
- American Society of Microbiology Undergraduate Research Fellowship
For highly competitive students who wish to pursue graduate careers (Ph.D. or MD/Ph.D) in microbiology.
- AMS Minority Scholarships
Sponsored by the American Meteorological Society; for students pursuing a career in the field of meteorology.
- APS Minority Scholarship
Sponsored by the American Physical Society; for students pursuing a degree in the field of physics.
- APSA Minority Fellows Program
Sponsored by the American Political Science Association; for students pursuing graduate level work in political science.
- Assoc. for Women Scientists Minority Scholarship for Women
For minority women to pursue an education and later a career in the geosciences. It provides financial aid and matches the student with a mentor in the same field.
- AXA Achievement Scholarship
Awarded to one student from each state, Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico.
- Chips Quinn Scholars Program
Scholars are accepted into the program by nomination from journalism faculty and campus media advisers, editors of newspapers or leaders of minority journalism associations
- Ed Bradley Scholarship
For students who will be sophomores, juniors or seniors at the time the scholarship is awarded, pursuing careers in radio, television, or digital journalism.
- EMPOWER Scholarship Award
Encourages and supports ethnically diverse students who are pursuing a career in a medical or rehabilitation field.
- EPP Undergraduate Scholarship Program
Provides scholarships for two years of undergraduate study to rising junior undergraduate students majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields that directly support the mission of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
- Hyatt Hotels Fund for Minority Lodging Management Students
For minority students pursing a degree in hotel management.
- ESA Foundation Scholarship Program
For minority and female students majoring in a field related to computer and video game arts.
- Gates Millennium Scholarship
Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to serve minority students. Graduate level awards are available for some academic areas.
- Hallie Q. Brown Scholarship
Awarded biennially to students who are recommended by an active member of NACWC.
- Holly A. Cornell Scholarship
For outstanding female and/or minority students pursuing graduate level work in the field of water supply and treatment.
- James E. Webb Internship Program for Minority Undergraduate Juniors, Seniors and Graduate Students in Business and Public Administration
Internships in residence at the Smithsonian for minority junior and senior undergraduate and graduate students in Business and Public Administration.
- Judith McManus Price Scholarship
Sponsored by the American Planning Association, for students who intend to pursue careers as practicing planners in the public sector, and are able to demonstrate a genuine financial need.
- INCPAS Scholars Program
For minority students graduating from a high school in Indiana.
- Ron Brown Scholar Program
Recipients are young African Americans of outstanding promise who are offered academic scholarships, service opportunities and leadership experiences.
- RTNDF Carole Simpson Scholarship
For students who will be sophomores, juniors or seniors at the time the scholarship is awarded, pursuing careers in radio, television, or digital journalism.
- SanDisk Scholars Fund
Supports the educational goals of students in pursuit of careers in engineering and computer science. The program awards scholarships of up to $10,000 per student.
- Smithsonian Minority Awards Program
Offers internships and visiting student awards to students who are underrepresented in Smithsonian scholarly programs, in the disciplines of research conducted at the Institution, and in the museum field.
- SOARS Program
An undergraduate to graduate program built around a summer research internship, mentoring by top scientists, and a supportive learning community.
- Spectrum Scholarship
ALA's national diversity and recruitment effort designed to address the specific issue of under-representation of critically needed ethnic librarians Sphinx Competition Open to all Junior High, High School, and College age Black and Latino string players residing in the U.S. Each year, all 18 semi-finalists are entitled to receive Sphinx assistance Fund Scholarships.
- Surety & Fidelity Industry Intern & Scholarship Program for Minority Students
Awards up to $5,000 to outstanding minority students to support their studies in the areas of insurance/risk management, accounting, or business/finance.
- UNCF-Merck Undergraduate Science Research Scholarship Awards
Each award provides up to $30,000, which includes up to $25,000 towards tuition, room and board, and billable fees.
- United Negro College Fund Scholarships
Numerous scholarships available.
- UPS Scholarship for Minority Students
Available to undergraduate students pursuing a course of study in industrial engineering.
- Xerox Minority Scholarships
Awards between $1,000 and $10,000 to qualified minorities enrolled in a technical degree program at the bachelor level or above.
- Lagrant Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships
For students majoring in a field of study that has an emphasis on advertising, marketing or public relations.
- Leonard M. Perryman Scholarship
awards a $2,500 scholarship for undergraduate study of religion journalism or mass communications.
- LITA / LSSI Minority Scholarship in Library and Information Technology
Awarded annually by the Library and Information Technology Association and Library Systems and Services, Inc., in the amount of $2,500.00.
- LITA / OCLC Minority Scholarship in Library and Information Technology
Awarded jointly annually by OCLC, Inc. and the Library and Information Technology Association in the amount of $3,000.00.
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Award
Sponsored by the American Correctional Association; awarded to minority nominees pursuing college education or graduate training related to a career in the criminal justice field.
- National Press Club
For promising future journalists who will bring diversity to American journalism. Consists of a $2,000 one-year scholarship, which can be renewed for up to three years at $2,500 per year.
- Ohio Newspaper Association Minority Scholarship
Awards a $1,500 scholarship to a minority high school senior in Ohio who plans to major in a field relevant to the newspaper industry, particularly journalism, advertising, marketing, or communications degree program at an Ohio college or university.
- The Phyllis G. Meekins Scholarship
A need-based scholarship for female high school seniors from a recognized minority background who will be pursuing a full-time course of study and playing collegiate golf.
- Presbyterian Church-U.S.A. Student Opportunity Scholarships
serves Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) college students by providing need-based aid for sophomores, juniors, and seniors who are full-time, first degree students attending accredited institutions in the United States. Preference in this program is extended to racial ethnic students in order to promote diversity.
- Reach for the Gold Book Scholarship
Recognizes academic and benevolent achievement among young women of color, and supports continued success through the first year of college. The Alumnae Association of Omega Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated awards one scholarship recipient annually.
- RMHC/African-American Future Achievers Scholarship
Applicant must have at least one parent of African American or Black Caribbean heritage.