SPEEC (Scientists Promoting Evolution Education in Cincinnati)

Headshot of Bruce Jayne, Ph.D., Professor

Bruce Jayne, Ph.D., Professor

Group coordinator, Biological Sciences, University of Cincinnati

Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0006

Telephone: (513) 556-7012

The rationale for our group is simple. When you need help or information in a specialized area, then you should be able contact someone who is an expert in that area. For example, people can go to a dentist for a toothache or to a mechanic when something is wrong with their car. Thus, why not communicate with scientists specializing in evolution when questions arise on this topic?

The three-fold purpose of our group is to:

  1. visit local K-12 classes to provide engaging experiences and instruction in natural sciences including biological evolution
  2. provide assistance and workshops for local K-12 teachers who would like to strengthen their background in evolution. (Instruction on evolution and teaching evolution can range from informal one-on-one sessions, to workshops held for groups of teachers either at their school or here at UC. We are willing to structure workshops so they can count towards teachers' requirements for professional advancement/continuing education.)
  3. serve as spokespeople for the local media in order to promote and explain a scientific way of thinking, especially when it involves evolution.
Alphabetical list of Members
Contact Information Research Interests & SPEEC activities  

Buchholz, Daniel R., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Biological Sciences
711A Rieveschl Hall
phone (513) 556-9725


Role of hormones in development and evolution, frog metamorphosis, comparative endocrinology SPEEC activities: 1) class visits, 2) assist teachers  
Buschbeck, Elke K., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Biological Sciences
800Q Rieveschl Hall
phone (513) 556-9747
Evolution of the insect visual and other sensory systems: Neuroethology, insect neurobiology, anatomy, physiology, optics, behavior, invertebrate systematics and evolution
SPEEC activities: 1) class visits, 2) assist teachers
Jayne, Bruce C., Ph.D.
Biological Sciences
851T Rieveschl Hall
phone (513) 556-7012
Functional morphology; evolution of behavior, structure and function; neuromuscular basis of the locomotion of ectothermic vertebrates; herpetology; natural history and ecology of reptiles
SPEEC activities: 1) class visits, 2) assist teachers 3) media spokesperson Sample class visit: "Snakes: an evolutionary oddity"
Lentz, David L., Ph.D.
Executive Director
Center for Field Studies
731B Rieveschl Hall
phone (513) 556-9733
Historical ecology, field botany, plant domestication, population genetics and paleoethnobotany of North America, Central Asia and the Neotropics
SPEEC activities: 1) class visits, 3) media spokesperson
Maurer, Eric F., Ph.D.
Associate Educator Professor
1306 Crosley Tower
phone (513) 556-9706
Evolutionary & Aquatic Ecology: Patterns of distribution and diversity Life history, morphological, behavioral evolution; Temperate and arctic lakes & streams
SPEEC activities: 1) class visits, 2) assist teachers, 3) media spokesperson Sample class visit: A Tale of Two Sisters: Adaptation in Aquatic Systems or Evolution on Ice: the Arctic, Polar Bears & Adaptation
Meyer, David L., Ph.D.
Department of Geology
505 Geology/Physics Bldg.
phone (513) 556-4530
Invertebrate paleontology, coral reef ecology, paleoecology, and taphonomy
SPEEC activities: 1) class visits, 2) assist teachers 3) media spokesperson Sample class visit: "Cincinnati's Sea without Fish"
Petren, Kenneth, Ph.D.
Professor, Dean of A&S
Biological Sciences
800C Rieveschl Hall
phoneƒ (513) 556-9719
Ecology and evolution of vertebrates; experimental ecology, competition and invasions; molecular phylogenetics; island systems; gecko lizards and Darwin's finches
SPEEC activities: 1) class visits, 2) assist teachers 3) media spokesperson
Polak, Michal, Ph.D.
Biological Sciences
820A Rieveschl Hall
phone (513) 556-9736
Ecology and evolution of vertebrates; experimental ecology, competition and invasions; molecular phylogenetics; island systems; gecko lizards and Darwin's finches
SPEEC activities: 1) class visits, 2) assist teachers 3) media spokesperson

Endorsed links for improving evolution education: