
An academic internship is an experiential learning opportunity to compliment a student's in-class studies. An academic internship is an opportunity for students to gain some "real-life" experience related to their academic major and earn credit at the same time. For example, there are internships available at the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens and the Newport Aquarium. Some students do internships in a laboratory or hospital setting.  Most internships are unpaid, but there is no restriction on compensation. An internship in biology obviously must involve biology, either by doing or learning.

Students are responsible for arranging their internship and can receive credit under the course BIOL3095. Students must complete the Department's Internship Learning Agreement and submit a copy of it to the Department's Internship Coordinator, Dr. Joshua Benoit, when they register for the internship course. In general students work 8-12 hrs per week for the semester to receive 3 credits. The course is graded pass/fail and counts only as a free elective. If the internship has a research component, it may qualify to fulfill the Department's capstone requirement. In such cases, the student must make a presentation at the annual Undergraduate Conference in the spring and complete an experiential self evaluation (guidelines for experiential self evaluation).

More information on Internships is available on the College internship website.