Mission and Vision Statement

Vision Statement

We strive to be a leading hub of innovation, research, and education in the chemical sciences, while promoting an inclusive environment that values diversity and fosters a sense of community and belonging.

Mission Statement

The Department of Chemistry at the University of Cincinnati serves the state of Ohio, the region and the nation by providing high quality education in the chemical sciences to a diverse range of students, by advancing the frontiers of knowledge in chemistry through innovative and collaborative research, and by partnering with communities both within and outside the university to stimulate scientific and technological innovation.

The department provides a stimulating world-class environment for chemical education and research. We achieve national and international recognition by contributions to chemical discovery and applications of those discoveries to technological challenges facing our nation and the world. Our activities focus on the development of creative learning opportunities at all levels, as well as the formation of close partnerships with communities inside and outside the University.


The Department of Chemistry places students at the center and provides innovative learning opportunities to a broad range of diverse students, from undergraduate to postdoctoral. The educational experience in our department stimulates critical thinking skills, prepares students for careers in science and biomedical fields, motivates scientific literacy, and promotes lifelong scientific learning. We offer multiple avenues to link our discovery and educational efforts to create a first-rate learning environment.


The Department of Chemistry consists of a diverse community of scientists who seek a deeper understanding of the chemical world and who apply that understanding to a wide range of challenging technological problems. This interplay leads to highly creative interdisciplinary and collaborative research involving interactions within and outside the department.


The Department of Chemistry pursues vigorous involvement in the chemical field by partnering with the community in our educational and research efforts. In this way we contribute to the vitality of scientific and technological development regionally, nationally, and internationally. The active engagement significantly enhances the learning experience and stimulates innovative research developments.