Electronics and Instrumentation Facility

The Chemistry Electronics and Instrumentation Facility provides support services to the research faculty and students in the Department of Chemistry. This assistance includes repair of electronic instrumentation, design of specialized circuits for research applications, and consulting services to faculty and graduate students. The staff people are able to deal with most hardware, software and interface problems associated with modern laboratory instrumentation.

The facility has two staff people Bob Voorhees and Paul McKenzie with backgrounds in electrical engineering, computer programming and instrumentation fabrication. They have experience in RF, Microwave, Laser Technology, microprocessor and computer controlled applications, and general laboratory instrumentation.

For those with an account with the chemistry department, login to submit a request for service and click on Add a Work Order. Account information can be obtained by contacting John Zureick (John.Zureick@uc.edu) in the Chemistry Business Office.

There is a service charge to people within the Department of Chemistry. Repair and construction parts are billed at cost. (Any work that is presented from outside the department is evaluated on a case by case basis.) All projects and repairs are completed on a first come -- first served basis. The Chemistry Electronics and Instrumentation Facility is also the birthplace of MeasureNet. MeasureNet is a patented technology invented by chemistry department staff members Robert Voorhees and Paul McKenzie along with faculty member Professor Estel Sprague. This technology is used by students in the freshmen labs to allow them to perform electronic measurement and data collection in most of the lab experiments. MeasureNet is used at universities, colleges and high schools throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. For more information on MeasureNet please go to www.measurenet-tech.com.