
In today's environment, contributions from individuals like you are tremendously important to the College of Arts and Sciences, its students, faculty, staff, and facilities. Gifts support academic programs, scholarships, faculty, and student research. Now more than ever, gifts that promote standards of excellence in liberal arts and sciences education are fundamentally important to the future of the college. Your donation will help to guarantee programs continue their work well into the future. Continue the tradition of learning and discovery by ensuring the vitality of the arts and sciences by giving online today. There are other ways to give to A&S, including appreciated securities, personal property, or planned giving opportunities. The college staff will work closely with you and your financial advisers to ensure your gift achieves your individual goals.

  • Contact the Office of Development for more information about giving to A&S and the Department of Chemistry, or call 513.556.0862
  • Make your gift online today to help fund opportunities for faculty, staff, and students.

There are a number of significant departmental activities supported solely by gifts from alumni and friends of the department. The department's financial support target, encompasses two areas:

  1. Financial Aid and Scholarship, including new and existing funds for undergraduates and graduate students. Our goal is to increase the amount of scholarship dollars available to attract the most outstanding undergraduate and graduate students, and to also support the most needy students majoring in Chemistry. We have a number of existing scholarship funds that could benefit from additional donations. If interested, you can designate your donation to this area, and we will use your generous gift to enhance those funds most in need.
  2. Faculty and Staff Support, including new faculty hires, new research and education initiatives and equipment and facilities for education and research. The thrill of new faculty and the opportunities enabled by new equipment would benefit from a generous gift designated to "Faculty & Staff Support". You can request your gift support undergraduate and/or graduate equipment purchases, or allow it to be used to recruit and hire the brightest and best minds in Chemistry to UC. Any amount is valued.

If your financial situation is appropriate, consider the impact on generations such a gift would make! Contact the College of Arts and Sciences UC Foundation Team to discuss the options available.

More details on the impact of our alumni and friend support is provided below for some of our representative funds: