Financial Support
Nearly all entering full-time graduate students receive a graduate teaching assistantship (TA), which provides a 12-month stipend for living costs. Teaching assistants, guided by experienced members of our department, assist part-time in undergraduate classes and laboratories. A limited number of assistantships are also available for work in the departmental support facilities. These facilities include instrument laboratories, computer laboratories, the NMR facility, and the mass spectrometry facility. In addition, these full-time graduate students in our program are awarded a University Graduate Scholarship which pays for tuition.
Especially qualified applicants to our doctoral program are awarded an Industrial Affiliates Fellowship, which provides an extra stipend in addition to the TA. This fellowship is renewable for up to three years. Combined with the relatively low cost of living in Cincinnati, these various awards provide an entering graduate student with the means for a quite comfortable living.
Generally students in the MS program do not receive financial assistance from the department, and therefore these students need to find other resources to pay tuition.
After the first year, many students are supported financially as research assistants by faculty receiving external research funds. The student can then devote his or her full-time efforts to research. In addition, outstanding students may be awarded one of several sponsored fellowships in chemistry available on a competitive basis in our department.