Faculty & Staff

Current Faculty

Headshot of Lydia Joy Allison

Lydia Joy Allison

Asst Professor - Visiting, English



Headshot of Kirsten Ellinor Andersen

Kirsten Ellinor Andersen

Assoc Professor - Educator, English



Headshot of Lora L Anderson

Lora L Anderson

Area Director for Rhetoric & Professional Writing, English



Before coming to UC in 2011, I worked for 15 years as a professional writer and editor. I hold MAs in professional writing as well as anthropology, and I received my PhD in Technical Communication and Rhetoric from Texas Tech University. 
My research focuses on the phenomenology of the lived body and issues of identity and agency in the rhetoric of health and medicine, particularly in chronic illness and end-of-life practices.
My book, Living Chronic: Agency and Expertise in Diabetes Rhetoric, was published by The Ohio State University Press in 2017, and I’ve been published in journals that include Rhetoric of Health and MedicineTechnical Communication Quarterly, and the Journal of Technical Writing and Communication. I am also the co-editor of the journal Programmatic Perspectives. 
I teach classes in creating accessible contact, science and health writing, and editing. 
Headshot of Chris Bachelder

Chris Bachelder

Professor, Director of Creative Writing, English



Chris Bachelder is the author of four novels, including The Throwback Special, which was a finalist for the National Book Award and the winner of the Paris Review's Terry Southern Prize. Dayswork, a novel written collaboratively with Jennifer Habel, was published in 2023. Bachelder has taught fiction writing at UC since 2011.
Headshot of Lisa L J Beckelhimer

Lisa L J Beckelhimer

Professor Educator, English



Lisa Beckelhimer teaches Composition, Intro. to Copyediting & Publishing, and the capstone research course for the Interdisciplinary Studies program; she is the Director of Undergraduate Studies for the Dept. of English. Prior to teaching, Lisa was a professional writer and editor in marketing and public relations. Prof. Beckelhimer's professional interests include distance learning and service-learning pedagogy. Her articles on teaching writing online and integrating social justice into service-learning frameworks have been published in journals such as English Journal, CEA Forum, and The Ohio Journal of English Language Arts. Lisa is also interested in the intersections of social expectations and popular culture. She has written book chapters and articles and presented at conferences on heteronormalizing queerness in Hallmark Christmas movies, the impact of the pandemic on digital sports fandoms, the role of parents on The Bachelor/Bachelorette, morality and religion in Hallmark Channel programming, social justice movements in the NFL and NBA, and sexuality and gender roles on Dancing with the Stars. 
Headshot of Alecia Dean Beymer

Alecia Dean Beymer

Asst Professor - Educator, English



Headshot of Rebecca S. Borah

Rebecca S. Borah

Associate Professor, English



Headshot of RJ Boutelle

RJ Boutelle

Assoc Professor, English


RJ Boutelle is associate professor of English, affiliate faculty in Africana Studies, affiliate faculty in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, and the author of The Race for America: Black Internationalism in the Age of Manifest Destiny (UNC Press, 2023). He teaches courses on African American literature and 19th-century US literature.
Headshot of Beverly Brannan

Beverly Brannan

Educator Assistant Professor, English



Headshot of Tyler Branson

Tyler Branson

Dual Enrollment Coordinator, English



I am a college professor who researches issues in education policy, higher education administration, and writing programs. My book Policy Regimes: College Writing and Public Education Policy in the United States, was published by Southern Illinois University Press in 2022. I love helping students bridge the divide between secondary and postsecondary learning, as well as working with teachers of all stripes.
Headshot of Morgan Elizabeth Buchs

Morgan Elizabeth Buchs

Asst Professor - Educator, English


(513) 556-5924

Headshot of Christopher Campagna

Christopher Campagna

Assoc Professor - Educator, English


Headshot of Julia S. Carlson

Julia S. Carlson

Associate Professor, English


Headshot of Christopher Carter

Christopher Carter

Professor, English



Christopher Carter is Professor of English at the University of Cincinnati, where he teaches courses in writing theory, activist rhetoric, and visual culture. He is author of four single-authored books, two collaborative books, and he is previous editor of Workplace: A Journal for Academic Labor. His latest work, Composing Legacies: Testimonial Rhetoric in Nineteenth-Century Composition was published by Peter Lang in 2021. His essays have appeared in Works and Days, JAC, College English, and Rhetoric Review, and he has written chapters for Tenured Bosses and Disposable Teachers as well as Narrative Acts: Rhetoric, Race and Identity, Knowledge. He has also directed the Composition Program at UC and served as Divisional Dean of Humanities.
Headshot of Dora C Cheng

Dora C Cheng

Assoc Professor - Educator, English


Dora Cheng is an Associate Professor Educator in the Rhetoric and Professional Writing program. Her research interests include academic literacies, second language writing, writer identity, and writing pedagogy. Her recent research draws on socio-cultural perspectives and discourse socialization frameworks to examine multilingual students’ writing development and writer identity as they transition from general writing courses to writing in the disciplines. Dr. Cheng teaches courses in cross-cultural communication, technical and scientific writing, and writing for international audiences.
Headshot of Teresa F. Cook

Teresa F. Cook

Educator Assistant Professor, English



Headshot of Jennifer Glaser

Jennifer Glaser

Associate Professor and Head of Department, English



Jennifer Glaser received her B.A. in English from Columbia University and her M.A. and Ph.D. in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory from the University of Pennsylvania. Her research and teaching interests include 20th and 21st century American literature, comparative ethnicity, diasporic and transnational studies, Jewish studies, gender and sexuality, digital humanities, disability studies, and comics and the graphic novel. Her book, Borrowed Voices: Writing and Racial Ventriloquism in the Jewish American Imagination, is was published by Rutgers University Press in 2016. She publishes work on  race, Jewish studies, viusal culture and disability studies. She is currently finishing a scholarly book on Jews, disability, and modernity. In addition to her scholarly work, she writes essays, short fiction, and cultural criticism, and is working to expand one of her published narrative non-fiction pieces into a full-length manuscript on mourning and technology. She has published or has publications forthcoming in venues such as PMLA, MELUS, Safundi, American Literature, ImageText, Images, Prooftexts, Early American Literature, the LA Review of Books, the New York Times, the Faster Times, the Forward, the UK Telegraph, and an anthology of personal essays from Random House.
Headshot of Michele Griegel-McCord

Michele Griegel-McCord

Interim Director of English Composition, English


My area of teaching concentration is English Composition and am currently serving as the Associate Director of the English Composition program.  My pedagogical, service, and scholarly interests include online teaching and learning, writing program administration, multi-modal literacies and composing, and cultural rhetorics. I was the 2004 recipient of the College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Award for Distinguished Adjunct Performance, a 2012 recipient of our department's Boyce Award for Teaching Excellence Award, and was named an E-learning Champion in 2016. 
Headshot of Michael Griffith

Michael Griffith

Professor, English



Michael Griffith's books of fiction are Spikes (Arcade, 2001), Bibliophilia (Arcade, 2003), and Trophy (TriQuarterly Books/Northwestern University Press, 2011), which was named one of Kirkus Reviews' Best Books for that year. His book of nonfiction, The Speaking Stone: Stories Cemeteries Tell, appeared from the University of Cincinnati Press in 2021. He is working on a novel tentatively called Grimster & the Cruciverbalist.

Griffith's work has appeared in The Washington Post, Southern Review, Ninth Letter, Virginia Quarterly Review, Southwest Review, New England Review, Five Points, Oxford American, Pleiades, Salmagundi, Golf World, Shenandoah, and many other periodicals, and his puzzles--crosswords, acrostics, and hink pinks--have appeared in The Southern Review, The Cincinnati Review, and in other places. He is the recipient of fellowships from the Charles Phelps Taft Research Center (2007-08), the National Endowment for the Arts (2004), the Sewanee Writers' Conference (2001), the Louisiana Division of the Arts (2001), and others. Griffith was founding editor of the Yellow Shoe Fiction series for Louisiana State University Press (2005-2021) and Fiction Editor of Cincinnati Review. Griffith was the recipient in 2005 of the English Department's Boyce Award for Outstanding Teaching, and in 2012 he was awarded UC's university-wide Doctoral Mentoring Award. Since 2013 he has been a Fellow of the Graduate School.
Headshot of Elijah Alexander Guerra

Elijah Alexander Guerra

Asst Professor - Educator, English



My teaching in the composition and rhetoric classroom focuses on the ideas that writing is a process, writing takes practice, and writing happens in community. My comp/rhet pedagogy is project-based and student-centered. My scholarly interests include composition studies, writing pedagogy, and multimodal literacies.
Headshot of Allison E. Hammond

Allison E. Hammond

Associate Professor, Educator, English



Headshot of Shannon Rose Coogan Hautman

Shannon Rose Coogan Hautman

Instructor - Educator, English


Headshot of Tamar   Heller

Tamar Heller

Associate Professor, English



Tamar Heller teaches Victorian literature, with an emphasis on gender issues and on the genres of Gothic and sensation fiction; she also teaches a large-enrollment class on the Harry Potter novels. The author of Dead Secrets: Wilkie Collins and the Female Gothic (1992), she has co-edited two essay collections: Approaches to Teaching Gothic Fiction: The British and American Traditions (MLA, 2003) and Scenes of the Apple: Food and the Female Body in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Women’s Writing (SUNY, 2003). The editor of Rhoda Broughton’s 1867 sensation novel Cometh Up as a Flower for Pickering and Chatto’s Varieties of Women’s Sensation Fiction series (2004), she is currently preparing an edition of Broughton’s Not Wisely but Too Well for Valancourt Press, and is working on a book-length study of Broughton’s fiction entitled A Plot of Her Own: Rhoda Broughton and English Fiction.
Headshot of Michael S. Hennessey

Michael S. Hennessey

Educator Instructor, English


Michael S. Hennessey is the editor of PennSound (a web archive of more than 22,000 poetry recordings, boasting more than 25 million annual downloads) and Jacket2 (archives and continues the mission of John Tranter's Jacket Magazine, one of the web's first and best venues for poetry and poetics), as well as the faculty advisor for Short Vine, UC's undergraduate literary journal.

Recent scholarly publications include essays on Charles Bernstein's "1-100" (in English Studies in Canada's special "Sound and Event" issue, for which he also served as audio editor) and Ted Berrigan and Harris Schiff's Yo-Yo's with Money (in Inverval[le]s) as well as forthcoming pieces in The Journal of Electronic Publishing and Jacket2, along with book chapters in Audiobooks, Literature, and Sound Studies (Routledge, 2011) and The Salt Companion to Charles Bernstein (Salt Publishing, 2011). 

His poetry has appeared in Jacket, EOAGH, Cross Cultural Poetics, Elective Affinities and Horse Less Review, as well as in the chapbooks Last Days in the Bomb Shelter (17 Narrower Poems) (2008) and [ static ] (2009).  You can listen to several archived readings on his PennSound author page.
Headshot of Lisa M Hogeland

Lisa M Hogeland

Associate Professor, English and WGSS, English



Lisa Maria Hogeland holds a PhD in Modern Thought and Literature from Stanford University. She previously served as Acting Director and Acting Associate/Graduate Director of the Center for Women’s Studies and now holds a joint appointment in the Departments of English and Comparative Literature and Women's Studies. She is the author of Feminism and Its Fictions: The Consciousness-Raising Novel and the Women's Liberation Movement. She is co-General Editor of The Aunt Lute Anthology of U.S. Women Writers, Volume I: 17th through 19th Centuries, and of the forthcoming Volume II: 20th Century. She is working on a book on American women’s sentimental novels and their relevance to contemporary fiction. An award winning teacher, she prepares graduate students to teach the undergraduate Introduction to Women’s Studies and serves on M.A. committees, teaches such core graduate courses as Feminist Theory: Current Issues, and offers such cross-listed English/Women’s Studies courses as American Women Writers and Feminist Literary Criticism.
Headshot of Michelle A Holley

Michelle A Holley

Educator Assistant Professor, English


Headshot of Joanna Seung Ah Huh

Joanna Seung Ah Huh

Asst Professor, English



Joanna Huh is an Assistant Professor of early modern literature and culture and an affiliate faculty member of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at the University of Cincinnati. She received her dual B.A. in English and Biology from Cornell University and her M.A. and Ph.D. in English from Vanderbilt University, where her dissertation earned the Robert Manson Myers Award for best dissertation in English in 2020. Her work and teaching focus on early modern English drama, queer and anti-racist approaches to Shakespeare, and (early) modern theories of community and selfhood.
Her current project, Damaging Intimacy: Reimagining Communities in Shakespeare and Marlowe, explores the portrayal, in Renaissance texts as well as in early modern and current political theory, of how radical risk-taking and vulnerability can form the basis for community. Damaging Intimacy works to disrupt the narrative that as the subject becomes more modern, the subject becomes more bounded and then joins a community in order to protect those bounds. As an alternative, she envisions communities that are dependent on selves willing to embrace experiences, both costly and pleasurable, offered by unprotected existence. At a juncture consumed with security, protection, and boundaries, her work rethinks radical ways of being and belonging that reimagines new visions of how to ethically share life with others.
Headshot of Ronald Hundemer

Ronald Hundemer

Educator Associate Professor, English



I have been teaching all levels for over 42 years, and, in my next life, I plan to continue teaching. I am pursuing an additional doctorate in Administration and Curriculum/Instruction. Upon my retirement from the University of Cincinnati, I plan to re-enter the public/Catholic system as an administrator.

“And gladly wolde he lerne, and gladly teche.”
Headshot of Bob Newton Hyland

Bob Newton Hyland

Associate Professor Educator, English



Headshot of Kristen Iversen

Kristen Iversen

Professor, English


Kristen Iversen holds a Ph.D in English and Creative Writing from the University of Denver (1996). She teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in literary nonfiction and fiction, and also serves as Literary Nonfiction Editor of The Cincinnati Review and faculty editor of the undergraduate journal Short Vine. Her work includes the books Full Body Burden: Growing Up in the Nuclear Shadow of Rocky Flats (2012, paperback/audio 2013; selected by universities around the country for their First Year Experience/Common Read programs); Molly Brown: Unraveling the Myth (1999, third edition 2018)Shadow Boxing: Art and Craft in Creative Nonfiction (2004); and two edited anthologies, Doom with a View (2020) and Don’t Look Now: Things We Wish We Hadn't Seen (2020). Essays and stories have appeared in The New York Times, The Nation, The American Scholar, Fourth Genre, Beloit Fiction Journal, and others. Several documentaries have been based on her work, including a new documentary Full Body Burden (forthcoming 2023) and an option for a tv series. In 2020-2021, she was chosen as a Fulbright Scholar for the University of Bergen, Norway (temporarily postponed due to Covid). Forthcoming books are Friend and Faithful Stranger: Nikola Tesla in the Gilded Age and Wide and Generous World: New and Published Essays. See www.kristeniversen.com
Headshot of Mariah Kemp

Mariah Kemp

Asst Professor - Educator (F2), English



Mariah Kemp has been teaching college writing and public speaking since 2015, but joined the Professional Writing track at UC in 2023. She received both her MA in Rhetoric, Composition, and Professional Communication and her PhD in Rhetoric and Professional Communication from Iowa State University. While her research and scholastic interests have prioritized identity, belonging, and marginality, she is looking forward to expanding her interests to include the rhetoric of cookbooks and their design, as well as rural sign design.
Headshot of Aaron Michael Kerley

Aaron Michael Kerley

Educator Instructor, English


513 556 3717

Headshot of Christina Marie LaVecchia

Christina Marie LaVecchia

Asst Professor, English

Christina M. LaVecchia is Assistant Professor of English and faculty in discipine-based education research (DBER). Her research spans multiple disciplines. In rhetoric and composition, her work focuses on theories of composing, writing pedagogies (with particular interest in at-risk student populations), digital literacies, editorial practices, qualitative research methods, and writing across the curriculum and writing program administration. Recently she co-edited Revising Moves: Writing Stories of (Re)Making (2024, Utah State University Press) with Allison D. Carr, Laura R. Micciche, Hannah J. Rule, and Jayne E. O. Stone; in this collection contributors tell stories about revising and its impacts on thier work, identities, and everyday lives. Her other published work in rhetoric and composition appears in College EnglishComposition ForumPeitho, and JAEPL, among others.

She is a former Research Fellow and current Research Collaborator in the Knowledge and Evaluation Research (KER) Unit at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. There she uses her training in rhetoric and writing to researched patient-clinician communication and care (shared decision-making) that is individualized to meet patients’ values and preferences and fits their lives. Her healthcare services collaborations appear in Patient Education and Counseling, Health ExpectationsBMJ Open, and Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Innovations, Quality, & Outcomes. She also has several works in progress with KER, most notably a study on patients’ experiences with contested, medically unexplained illnesses and conditions, an experience she terms undercared-for chronic suffering. She has also taught a workshop series and offered invited talks on scientific writing to biomedical sciences postdocs and graduate students at Mayo Clinic and elsewhere.

From 2019 to 2021 she supported faculty and programs from across disciplines with writing pedagogy as the founding Director of the Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Program and Assistant Professor of English at Neumann University in Aston, PA.

In 2012 she was the UC English department’s William C. Boyce Excellence in Teaching Award recipient and is the UC College of Arts and Sciences 2014 recipient of a university-wide teaching award.

For more on her research and teaching, visit her website: http://www.christinamlavecchia.org
Headshot of Mary Leech

Mary Leech

Educator Assistant Professor, English


Headshot of Rebecca Lindenberg

Rebecca Lindenberg

Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies, English


Rebecca Lindenberg is a poet, essayist, translator, and literary editor.  She is the author of Love, an Index (McSweeney's) and The Logan Notebooks (Mountain West Poetry Series), winner of the 2015 Utah Book Award. Her third poetry collection, Our Splendid Failure to Do the Impossible, is forthcoming from BOA Editions in Fall 2024. Her work also appears in many national magazines and literary journals including POETRY, The Believer, McSweeney's Quarterly, American Poetry Review, Tupelo Quarterly, Seneca Review, Iowa Review, and many more.  She is the recipient of several grants and awards including an Amy Lowell Traveling Poetry Fellowship, a National Endowment for the Arts Literature Grant, a seven-month fellowship from the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, and residencies at the MacDowell Arts Colony, the Sewanee Writers Conference, and elsewhere.  In addition to her work as a writer, she is the Poetry Editor of the Cincinnati Review.  
Headshot of Sharrell D Luckett

Sharrell D Luckett

Professor, English



Sharrell D. Luckett, PhD, is a Charles P. Taft Distinguished Professor of Drama and Performance Studies and the Director of the Helen Weinberger Center for Drama & Playwriting. You can learn more about her dynamic career at www.sdluckett.com and www.BlackActingMethods.com.
Headshot of Aditi P Machado

Aditi P Machado

Assoc Professor, English



I work as a transnational poet and scholar with abiding interests in translation theory & practice; global avant-gardes; serial/longform poetics; the poetry of philosophy; prosody; the sentence; docu- and eco-poetics; literatures of witness; multilingual and haptic literacies. I also write nonfiction and translate from the French. I read across time periods but my research tends to focus on US and Anglophone transnational literatures onwards from the mid-twentieth century. Pronouns: she/her. 

BOOKS (as sole author)

Material Witness, Nightboat, 2024 (poetry)

Emporium, Nightboat, 2020, reprint: 2022 (poetry)
          James Laughlin Award, Academy of American Poets
          translated into Spanish as Emporio [Slimbook Editorial, 2022] by Guadalupe Alfaro and Tomás Fadel

Some Beheadings, Nightboat, 2017 (poetry)
          The Believer Poetry Award

BOOKS (as translator/collaborator)

Ancient Algorithms by Katrine Øgaard Jensen et al., Sarabande, 2025 (collaborative experimental translations)

Prosopopoeia by Farid Tali, Action, 2016 (novel translated from the French)

nowSputnik & Fizzle, 2022 (poetry)
The End, Ugly Duckling, 2020 (essay)
Rhapsody, Albion, 2020 (poetry)
Prologue | EmporiumGarden-Door, 2018 (poetry)
This TouchBelladonna*, 2018 (essay)
Route: Marienbad, Further Other Book Works, 2016 (poetry)
The Robing of the BrideDzanc, 2013 (poetry)


2024-current: Advisory Poetry Editor, The Paris Review
2023-current: Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati
2020-2023: Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati
2018-2020: Visiting Poet-in-Residence, Washington University in St. Louis
2011-2019: Poetry Editor, Asymptote
2019: PhD, University of Denver
2012: MFA, Washington University in St. Louis 

Further information upon request. Contact: aditi.machado@uc.edu
Headshot of Laura R. Micciche

Laura R. Micciche

Area Director of Rhetoric and Composition, Professor, English



Laura R. Micciche teaches a wide variety of writing courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels as well as interdisciplinary workshops for faculty and students. Her research focuses on the collaborative, material realities that encompass writing, teaching, administrative, and editorial practices. She has published two monographs and three edited collections on writing-related themes: revision, writing pedagogy, collaboration and materiality, and rhetorics of emotion. In addition, she has published over 30 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, many with collaborators, demonstrating her commitment to shared authorship. She has served in a variety of administrative roles while at UC, including Director of Composition, Assistant Director of Composition, Area Director of the Rhetoric and Composition Graduate Program, and Co-Director of the Copyediting & Publishing Certificate program. For six years, she served as editor of Composition Studies, an independent journal in rhetoric and composition, and is currently co-editor, with Chris Carter, of the WPA Book Series for Parlor Press.
Headshot of Maia Emeraude Morgan

Maia Emeraude Morgan

Asst Professor - Visiting, English



Headshot of Samantha Hope NeCamp

Samantha Hope NeCamp

Composition Director, Assistant Professor, English



Headshot of Carolyn Kelley Patterson

Carolyn Kelley Patterson

Instructor - Adj Ann, English



Headshot of Michael Christopher Peterson

Michael Christopher Peterson

Asst Professor - Research, English


(513) 556-5924

Michael C. Peterson curently serves as the Curator of the George Elliston Poetry Room and Archive, located in Langsam Library on the Uptown Campus. He is the recipient of awards and fellowships from Yaddo, MacDowell, the Vermont Studio Center, the Kenyon Summer Writer's Institute, the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. His poems have appeared in journals such as the Boston Review Online, Kenyon Review Online, Southern Review, Blackbird, Fence, Bat City Review, Laurel Review, american letters & commentary, New American Writing, and in the anthologies They Said: A Multi-Genre Anthology of Contemporary Collaborative Writing (eds. Muench, Simone and Dean Rader; Black Lawrence Press, 2018) and Of Rivers: Poems After Langston Hughes (eds. Brown, Jericho and Sandra Lim, et al; Southern Humanities Review, 2015). He's been a finalist for the National Poetry Series, The Berkshire Prize, and Omnidawn Poetry Prize. Since 2021 he has been working on an edition of poems by Black American poet Tom Postell, forthcoming under the title Tom Postell: On the Life and Work of an Unsung Master (Pleiades Press/Unsung Masters, forthcoming 2024).

Research interests include twentieth century avant garde poetries, postwar mimeograph and print culture, lyric acoustics and psychoacoustics, alignments of audio technologies, recording techniques, and lyric innovation in the twentieth century, archival praxis, participatory curation, and oral history.
Headshot of Katie Wilson Powell

Katie Wilson Powell

Asst Professor - Educator, English


I am an Assistant Professor Educator in the Rhetoric and Professional Writing Program. I received my Ph.D in Rhetoric and Composition from the University of Arkansas, where I had the privilege to confront community history as part of an interracial community group. My research interests, therefore, include storying and narrativization as they work with instances and genres of technical communication and in my own and my students' lives. I draw from public memory, racial reconciliation, and feminist approaches in my work with communities, my scholarship, and my teaching. I teach courses in social media and social justice, technical and scientific writing, and courses that engage with community partners!
Headshot of Cheli M Reutter

Cheli M Reutter

Associate Professor, Educator, English



My specializations are African American literature and medical humanities.  Many of my courses include a service learning component and community engagement.
Headshot of Cynthia Nitz Ris

Cynthia Nitz Ris

Department of English / A&S, English



Cynthia Nitz Ris, Professor Educator in the Department of English and Comparative Language, teaches primarily in the field of Composition Studies. Her scholarship and coursework are in the areas of first-year experience, online education, legal rhetoric, and the rhetoric of civil discourse. Her composition reader, Law and Order, provides insight into the breadth and complexity of law and the usefulness of studying its rhetorical complexity; readings include law-related and legal texts including a closing argument in the murder trial of Medgar Evers, legal briefs on federal case considering music piracy, and Supreme Court oral arguments on free speech in educational settings. Conference presentations include best practices in online teaching, structural equity within universities, and the use of legal issues and popular culture in composition pedagogy to foster understanding and analysis of complex civic issues.

Service interests focus on promotion of shared governance through work Chairing the University Faculty and Faculty Senate and serving on the Executive Council of the UC AAUP Chapter, and promtion of best practices in eLearning through work on unit and university-level IT-related committees. 

Select Disciplinary Publications
Griegel-McCord, Michele, Cynthia Ris, and Lisa Beckelhimer, “Lessons Learned: Navigating Online Teaching and Learning in English Studies.” Eds. Susan Spangler and Will Banks, English Studies Online: Programs, Practices, Possibilities. Parlor Press, 2021. 

Malek, Joyce, Cynthia Ris, Catherine O’Shea, and Christina LaVecchia, Eds. Student Guide to English Composition, 1001, 2012-2014. Hayden McNeil, 2012
Ris, Cynthia. Law and Order, A Longman Topics Reader. Longman/Pearson Publishers.  Oct. 2012

Headshot of Leah Rubinsky

Leah Rubinsky

Asst Professor - Educator, English



Headshot of Simone Nicole Savannah

Simone Nicole Savannah

Asst Professor - Visiting (F6), English



Simone Savannah, Ph.D. is a Black feminist writer and teacher born and raised in Columbus Ohio. She is the author of Uses of My Body (Barrow Street 2020) and Like Kansas (Big Lucks 2018). She is the winner of the Barrow Street Poetry Book Prize chosen by Jericho Brown.
Her work has been published in Apogee, The Fem, Powder Keg, GlitterMob, Shade Journal, BreakBeat Poets, and several other journals and anthologies. She earned her M.Ed and B.A. from Ohio University. She holds a PhD in Creative Writing from the University of Kansas. 

Simone is also a certified personal trainer. 
Headshot of James A Schiff

James A Schiff

Professor, English



Born and raised in Cincinnati, Jim Schiff received his B.A. from Duke University and his M.A. and Ph.D. from New York University. He is the author or editor of five books on contemporary American fiction, including John Updike Revisited, Understanding Reynolds PriceUpdike's Version: Rewriting The Scarlet Letter, and Updike in Cincinnati. He was named by the John H. Updike Literary Trust to edit a volume of Updike's letters, which will be published in 2022. His essays and interviews have appeared in American Literature, Critique, Missouri Review, Southern Review, South Atlantic Review, Studies in American Fiction, Tin House, and elsewhere. He reviews books for newspapers, magazines and journals, and serves as the editor of the John Updike Review as well as a consulting editor of Critique and Philip Roth Studies. He has served on various boards, including the Duke University Trinity Board of Visitors, the University of Cincinnati Foundation, The Seven Hills School, the Community Learning Center Institute (CLCI), WCET-TV, and the Mercantile Library.
Headshot of Leah Stewart

Leah Stewart

Professor, English


Headshot of Laverne Summerlin

Laverne Summerlin

Professor, English



Headshot of Jay Twomey

Jay Twomey

Professor, English



Primary areas of interest include the (literary/theoretical/cultural/political) reception of biblical texts.  He is the author two books, The Pastoral Epistles Through the Centuries (2009) and 2 Corinthians: Crisis and Conflict (2013), and the co-editor of Borges and the Bible (2015).  His current work focuses on St. Paul in and around recent American cultural and political contexts.  He teaches courses on the Bible and literature, and the Bible in literary theory.
Headshot of Gary Lee Vaughn

Gary Lee Vaughn

Associate Professor, English



Headshot of Gary Seth Weissman

Gary Seth Weissman

Undergraduate Director of Film and Media Studies • School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies, English



Gary Weissman teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in literary studies (e.g., Ways of Reading Literature; Theories of Authorship; Theorizing the Short Story), film studies (e.g., Horror Films; History of Animation; Introduction to Film Theory), and critical theory (Introduction to Critical Theory; Narrative Theory). He is an associate professor of English, an associate professor in the School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies, and an affiliate faculty member of Judaic Studies at the University of Cincinnati. He is the author of Fantasies of Witnessing: Postwar Efforts to Experience the Holocaust (Cornell University Press, 2004), which examines contestation between scholars, survivors, and filmmakers over which representations of the Holocaust get it "right"; and The Writer in the Well: On Misreading and Rewriting Literature (The Ohio State University Press, 2016), which examines literary interpretation as a collaborative, writing-based practice by exploring student responses to a single short story; and articles and book chapters on Holocaust scholarship, literature, film, and photography, as well as articles on literary analysis and pedagogy.
Headshot of Laura Wilson

Laura Wilson

Professor - Educator, English


I'm both the Director of Undergraduate Studies for English and a Professor in the English: Rhetoric and Professional Writing (RPW) track. I prepare students for writing in their chosen fields. I teach courses in social media, web authoring, multimedia writing, technical and scientific writing, as well as the introductory and capstone courses for the RPW track. Students will experience projects focused on client-based needs and leave my classroom with an idea of how they'll apply the skills they learned to their future careers. These skills include writing in a myriad of genres, document design, website development, social media management, and project management.
Headshot of Felicia Zamora

Felicia Zamora

Assoc Professor, English



Felicia Zamora (she/her) is a poet, educator, and editor. She is the author of seven full-length poetry collections and two chapbooks including, Interstitial Archaeology (Wisconsin Poetry Series, 2025), Quotient (Tinderbox Editions, 2022), I Always Carry My Bones, winner of the 2020 Iowa Poetry Prize (University of Iowa Press, 2021) and the 2022 Ohioana Book Award in Poetry, Body of Render, winner of the Benjamin Saltman Award (Red Hen Press, 2020), Instrument of Gaps (Slope Editions), & in Open, Marvel (Parlor Press),and Of Form & Gather, winner of the Andrés Montoya Poetry Prize (University of Notre Dame Press). She’s received fellowships and residencies from CantoMundo, Ragdale Foundation, and Tin House. She won the 2022 Loraine Williams Poetry Prize from The Georgia Review, the 2020 C.P. Cavafy Prize from Poetry International, the Wabash Prize for Poetry, the Tomaž Šalamun Prize, and a Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Award in 2022 and 2024. Her poems appear or are forthcoming in Academy of American Poets Poem-A-Day, AGNI, Alaska Quarterly Review, The American Poetry Review, The Best American Poetry 2022, Boston Review, Ecotone, Georgia Review, Guernica, The Kenyon Review, The Missouri Review, Orion, Poetry Magazine, The Nation, West Branch, and others. She is an associate professor of poetry at the University of Cincinnati and poetry editor for the Colorado Review.


Emeriti Faculty

Headshot of Beth S. Ash

Beth S. Ash

Associate Professor


Headshot of Michael Atkinson

Michael Atkinson

Emeritus Faculty

Headshot of Don   Bogen

Don Bogen

Professor Emeritus


Headshot of John G Bryan

John G Bryan

Vice Provost for Academic Personnel

Headshot of Philip Terry Clayton

Philip Terry Clayton

Assistant Professor


Headshot of Sharon G Dean

Sharon G Dean

Associate Professor


Headshot of John P. Drury

John P. Drury



Headshot of Russel K Durst

Russel K Durst

Professor Emeritus


Headshot of Billie Dziech

Billie Dziech


Headshot of Grace A. Epstein

Grace A. Epstein

Assistant Department Head, Associate Professor


Headshot of James M Hall

James M Hall

Emeritus Faculty


Headshot of Wayne E. Hall

Wayne E. Hall


Headshot of Nancy Harvey

Nancy Harvey

Emeritus Faculty

Headshot of Patricia J. Houston

Patricia J. Houston

Educator Associate Professor

Headshot of Jon Christopher Hughes

Jon Christopher Hughes



Headshot of Lowanne Elizabeth Jones

Lowanne Elizabeth Jones

Associate Professor Emerita & Former Head, Romance Languages & Literatures; Former Director, School for World Languages & Cultures


Headshot of Jonathan Z Kamholtz

Jonathan Z Kamholtz

Associate Professor


Headshot of Antoinette M. Larkin

Antoinette M. Larkin

Associate Professor

Headshot of Thomas E Leclair

Thomas E Leclair

Emeritus Faculty


Headshot of Peter V. Lepage

Peter V. Lepage

Emeritus Faculty


Headshot of Barbara Macke

Barbara Macke


Headshot of John A Maddux

John A Maddux

Educator Associate Professor


Headshot of Joyce Malek

Joyce Malek

Coordinator of First Year Writing, Educator Professor


Headshot of Bea C Opengart

Bea C Opengart

Associate Professor, Educator Emerita

Headshot of Marilyn I Palkovacs

Marilyn I Palkovacs

Emeritus Faculty

Headshot of Leland S. Person

Leland S. Person

Professor of English


Headshot of Janet L Reed

Janet L Reed

Emeritus Faculty


Headshot of Maria Romagnoli

Maria Romagnoli

Director of Undergraduate Studies, Educator Assistant Professor


Headshot of Lucille M Schultz

Lucille M Schultz

Professor Emerita


Headshot of Judith Sharp

Judith Sharp

Educator Associate Professor


Headshot of Martha Stephens

Martha Stephens

Emeritus Faculty


Headshot of Barbara Wenner

Barbara Wenner

Associate Professor, Emerita


Headshot of James C. Wilson

James C. Wilson


Headshot of William H. Zipfel

William H. Zipfel

Educator Associate Professor


Headshot of Lisa Jane Ampleman

Lisa Jane Ampleman

Managing Editor


Headshot of Alan Glenn Bothe

Alan Glenn Bothe

Business Manager

Headshot of Sarah Elizabeth Haak

Sarah Elizabeth Haak

Executive Staff Assistant


Headshot of Jennifer L Habel

Jennifer L Habel

Coordinator of Creative Writing

Headshot of Susan Luring

Susan Luring

Program Manager


Headshot of Nicola F Mason

Nicola F Mason

Editor of Acre Books


Headshot of Matthew S OKeefe

Matthew S OKeefe

Associate Editor of The Cincinnati Review

Headshot of Whitney Elyse Slayback

Whitney Elyse Slayback

Financial Administrator 2


Headshot of Bess Winter

Bess Winter



Graduate Students

Headshot of Hussain   Ahmed

Hussain Ahmed

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Michael Ernest Alessi

Michael Ernest Alessi

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Sean Cho Ayres

Sean Cho Ayres

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Nicole Anne Barnhart

Nicole Anne Barnhart

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Jessica Lucille Bartel

Jessica Lucille Bartel

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Ankit Basnet

Ankit Basnet

Student Worker

Headshot of Charlie Murray Beckerman

Charlie Murray Beckerman

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Kevin Michael Belknap

Kevin Michael Belknap

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Sandra Boateng

Sandra Boateng

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Brooke Elizabeth Boling

Brooke Elizabeth Boling

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Prince Anthony Bush

Prince Anthony Bush

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Karley N Cappel

Karley N Cappel

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Holli Ann Carrell

Holli Ann Carrell

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Dani Alejandra Charles

Dani Alejandra Charles

Headshot of Andy Lai Cheng

Andy Lai Cheng

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Thomas Hamilton Cherry

Thomas Hamilton Cherry

Headshot of Blessing J Christopher

Blessing J Christopher

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Caleb Xavier Covington

Caleb Xavier Covington

Instructor - Adj

Headshot of Katie Claire Croft

Katie Claire Croft

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Lily   Davenport

Lily Davenport

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Anna Marie D'Orazio

Anna Marie D'Orazio

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Sara Elizabeth Dorsten

Sara Elizabeth Dorsten

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Braydon L Dungan

Braydon L Dungan

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Juliet Cristine Ellinger

Juliet Cristine Ellinger

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Alexander Robert Evans

Alexander Robert Evans

Graduate Student


Headshot of Jillian Anne Fantin

Jillian Anne Fantin

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Dustin Robert Fisher

Dustin Robert Fisher

Headshot of Joely Byron Fitch

Joely Byron Fitch

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Brittaney Ann Harp

Brittaney Ann Harp

Instructor - Adj


Headshot of Bethany Jane Hellwig

Bethany Jane Hellwig

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Rome L Hernandez Morgan

Rome L Hernandez Morgan

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Kira K Homsher

Kira K Homsher

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Daniel J Hunt

Daniel J Hunt

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Anessa Michelle Ibrahim

Anessa Michelle Ibrahim

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Kate K Jayroe

Kate K Jayroe

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Arah Abigail Ko

Arah Abigail Ko

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Jonathan Thomas Koury

Jonathan Thomas Koury

Headshot of David Arthur Legault

David Arthur Legault

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Amber N Maloof

Amber N Maloof

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Asher M Marron

Asher M Marron

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Christian T Mccord

Christian T Mccord

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Hassaan   Mirza

Hassaan Mirza

Graduate Assistant


Headshot of Katie Claire Monthie

Katie Claire Monthie

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Nic Xavier Muranaka

Nic Xavier Muranaka

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Erin Renee Noehre

Erin Renee Noehre

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Christine Marie Ochs-Naderer

Christine Marie Ochs-Naderer

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Joseph Eugene Ozias

Joseph Eugene Ozias

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Justin Michael Reed

Justin Michael Reed

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Emily Kathleen Ridder

Emily Kathleen Ridder

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Andy   Sia

Andy Sia

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Jess E Silfa

Jess E Silfa

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Samuel David Simas

Samuel David Simas

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Blake R Steinnecker

Blake R Steinnecker

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Dior Jose Stephens

Dior Jose Stephens

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Jayne Elizabeth OZemko Stone

Jayne Elizabeth OZemko Stone

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Rebecca Lynn Thacker

Rebecca Lynn Thacker

Instructor - Adjunct


Headshot of Tiffany Marie Tucker

Tiffany Marie Tucker

Graduate Assistant

Headshot of Aleashia Tiffany Walton

Aleashia Tiffany Walton

Instructor - Adj


Headshot of Paige Marie Webb

Paige Marie Webb

Graduate Assistant