
The Certificate responds to two needs that have emerged over the last decade:

  1. To meet the increasing demand for more qualified College Credit Plus instructors to teach dual enrollment sections of college composition. 

  2. To provide more flexibility in graduate coursework that accommodates the needs of working professionals in our community 

If you work in K-12, you already know that the demand for certified instructors has grown tremendously over the last decade. Ohio’s dual enrollment program, College Credit Plus (CCP), served nearly 80,000 students in the 2021-2022 academic year, which is up nearly 45% since the program was first introduced. In that time, an increasingly popular method of instruction for CCP students enrolled in Composition courses was via “concurrent enrollment,” or courses embedded in the high school, taught by “approved high school teachers.” In the 2021-2022 academic year, nearly 40% of all CCP students across the state were concurrently enrolled on their high school campuses. These tens of thousands of students in Ohio are best served by K-12 teachers who have supplemented their working knowledge of teaching with additional expertise in the discipline of writing pedagogy. Our innovative Certificate program ensures that high school instructors across the region working in the CCP program will be able to hit the ground running with evidence-based practices to ensure student success.

Additionally, we know that K-12 instructors are busy, and any kind of continuing education must provide adaptability and flexibility to accommodate their busy schedules. That’s why all the required courses in this Certificate will be offered completely online. Many of our electives are offered online as well. There are also opportunities for summer, face-to-face, or late afternoon/evening courses depending on your needs and preferences.