Photo of Shadawn Battle

ShaDawn Battle’s essays “’By Any Means Necessary’: Kanye West and the Hypermasculine Construct” will appear in a collection entitled The Cultural Impact of Kanye West to be published by Palgrave Macmillan. She was invited to present a version of this essay at the January 2014 Humanities Conference in Hawaii.

Photo of Brian Brodeur

Brian Brodeur received a 2013 Walter E. Dakin Fellowship for the Sewanee Writers' Conference. New poems are forthcoming in Crab Orchard Review, Shenandoah, Southern Review, 32 Poems, and The Book of Scented Things: An Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry (Lynx House Press, 2013). “A Stand of Swamp Maples in Purceville, Virginia” was featured on the Poetry Daily website.

Photo of Michelle Burke

Michelle Burke has poems forthcoming in Every River on Earth: Writing from Appalachian Ohio and the Laurel Review. Her article "Writing from the Senses” appeared on the Poetry Foundation website. She received a Henry David Thoreau Fellowship from the Vermont Studio Center, and her second Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg poetry prize.

Photo of Jen Fawkes

Jen Fawkes’ stories have recently appeared in The Iowa ReviewMichigan Quarterly Review, and Washington Square, and are forthcoming in One Story, Salamanderand Mid-American Review. She is the winner of the 2013 Salamander Fiction Contest and the 2013 Washington Square Award in Flash Fiction. Her story “Burro” was a Finalist for The Fineline Competition.

Photo of Scott Hales

Scott Hales published essays in Religion and the Arts (“‘The Earth Was Once a Garden Place’: Millennial Utopianism in Nineteenth-Century Mormon Poetry”) and the International Journal of Comic Art (“‘Operation Replica!?!’: Captain America in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”) and a review in the Journal of Religion and Popular Culture. He was invited to present on “Nephi Anderson and the New Mormon Masculinity” at the 103rd Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies.

Photo of Rochelle Hurt

Rochelle Hurt’s essay “A Disbeliever in Limbo” was named a Notable Essay in Best American Essays 2013, and her poem “Poem in Which I Play the Runaway” was selected for the anthology Best New Poets 2013.

Photo of Christina Laveechia

Christina LaVecchia’s essay “Of Peerenting, Trophy Wives, and Effeminate Men: Modern Family’s Surprisingly Conservative Remediation of the Family Sitcom Genre” from Harlot 6.1 (2011) will be republished in the forthcoming textbook How Writing Works: With Readings, ed. by Jordynn Jack and Katie Rose Guest Pryal (Oxford University, 2014). She presented at the 64th Annual Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) and two roundtables at the Council of Writing Program Administrators’ Annual Conference. She attended the Digital Media and Composition (DMAC) Institute at Ohio State University and was accepted to the seminar “Historiography and the Archives: Taking the Next Steps" at the Rhetoric Society of America (RSA) Biennial Fifth Summer Institute in Lawrence, Kansas. She coauthored a whitepaper, "A Report on the 2012–13 Composition and Rhetoric Category of the MLA Job Information List,” available at rhetmap.org, and is currently serving as  Editorial Assistant for Composition Studies, the oldest independent journal in rhetoric and composition.

Photo of Justine Mcnulty

Justine McNulty has a story forthcoming in Confrontation.

Photo of Michael Peterson

Michael Peterson spent the summer at residencies at both Yaddo and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. His poems are forthcoming from Blackbird and The Southern Review. A recent text/film collaboration with filmmaker S. L. Pettengill recently opened at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) PS1 in New York.

Amber Rambharose’s poetry and nonfiction have recently appeared or are forthcoming in Arcadia Magazine, Thrush Poetry Journal, and Muzzle MagazineShe received fellowships to The Colgate Writers' Conference and the Juniper Summer Writing Institute. Some of her poems received an Academy of American Poets honorable mention in Spring 2013.

Photo of Linwood Rumney

Linwood Rumney has poems forthcoming in North American Review and Ploughshares. He will present at the upcoming Winter Wheat and AWP conferences.

Photo of Woody Skinner

Woody Skinner’s story “Things in Slow Motion” won the 2012-13 Sherwood Anderson Fiction Award and was published in Mid-American Review. His story "Summering" is forthcoming in Hobart.

Photo of Rachel Steiger Meister

Rachel Steiger-Meister’s story "Chlorine Mermaid," published in Carve Magazine in 2012, was recently named a 2013 Story South Million Writers Award "Notable Story."

Photo of Carla Sarr

Carla Sarr coauthored a whitepaper titled "A Report on the 2012–13 Composition and Rhetoric Category of the MLA Job Information List," which is available at rhetmap.org. At the Feminisms and Rhetorics conference at Stanford University in September she presented a collaborative paper, "Linking Feminisms: Exploring Blogger Communities Inside and Outside Academia."
She is serving on the 2013-14 Composition Advisory Board and as Assistant to the Director of Composition. Carla will be presenting a paper at the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) in Indianapolis in March, titled "Opening Argument to Student Experience: Hybrid Genres in First-Year Composition."

Photo of Sarah Strickley

Sarah Strickley has an essay forthcoming in the anthology Labor Day: True Birth Stories for the 21st Century (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2014). In September, she presented a panel at the Conversations & Connections conference in Philadelphia about what fiction writers can learn from cognitive science. An interview with her was published about this presentation.

Photo of Brian Trapp

Brian Trapp’s essay “My City in Two Dog Parks” was named a Notable Essay in Best American Essays 2013. His short story “The Best Man” won the New Ohio Review 2013 Fiction Contest, chosen by Stuart Dybek, and was published in their fall issue. His review of Gabe Durham's "Fun Camp" is forthcoming in The Collagist. He was the Georges and Anne Borchardt Scholar at the 2013 Sewanee Writer’s Conference, and presented papers titled “Lark and Termite and the Risks of Alternative Knowledge” at the 2013 SAMLA conference and “Staring Back: ‘The Blind Man’ and D. H. Lawrence as a Disabled Writer” at the 2013 College English Association conference.

Photo of Laura Thompson

Laura Thompson's poem "Colors to a Blind Lover" appeared in Stirring: A Literary Collection. Other work is forthcoming in Adanna and PANK.

Photo of Sara Watson

Sara Watson has three poems in the most recent issue of Fourth River.