PhD Program Application


*The Awards and Admissions Committee will consider applications after this deadline as space is available. Regardless of financial aid need, it is in your best interest to apply early.

Admission Requirements

Fall 2025 Admissions Cycle
Type of Admission Deadline
Individuals Seeking Admission and
Departmental Financial Aid
January 1, 2025

All applications are given careful and individual review. In some cases, students who do not meet the required GPA scores may be admitted.

     ►MFA or MA in English from an accredited university or college.
     ►Minimum undergraduate GPA: 3.75

Application Requirements

Step (1): Online Application Submission

All Graduate programs at the University of Cincinnati require an online application.

           ►Click here to locate information on applying to the Graduate School.
           ►Click here to go directly to the Graduate School online application.

You will be required to submit the following materials as part of the Online Application:
     (1) Letter of Intent: state academic goals and professional objective, recommended length of one             to two pages
     (2) Curriculum Vitae
     (3) Writing samples (combine all samples into one document). :

           ► Literature Track:
                   ► Critical writing sample consisting of a literary
                      analysis or research paper totaling 20 pages

           ►Creative Writing Track:
                   ►Creative writing sample (15-20 pages) - a chapter of
                       a novel, a short story or stories, or pages of poetry or creative nonfiction. 
                   ►Critical writing sample - a literary analysis or a
                      research paper totaling 10-15 pages. Excerpts of longer work are acceptable. 

Note: A PhD in creative writing involves doing a lot of literary criticism; we’re looking for your skills as a reader of other texts, we’re looking for the quality of your academic prose, and we’re looking for some indication of your general level of preparedness for that aspect of the degree. Please combine the creative writing sample and critical writing sample into one document. 

            ►Rhetoric and Composition Track:
                   ► Critical writing sample: pedagogical and/or rhetorical
                        analysis, research paper, or literary analysis totaling 15-20 pages

Formatting and works-cited page information: When in doubt, use Times New Roman or similar, 12pt font, standard margins, and double-spaced. Ideally, a works cited page is included in your sample. We will read submissions if the citations are only in the body of the text according to either the Chicago Manual of Style or the MLA (footnotes, endnotes, embedded citations). 

Note: The English Department does not consider the "optional" video submission that is offered as
part of the Graduate School's application process.

Step (2): Required Supplementary Materials

(1) Three letters of recommendation (no form required): Recommenders will submit letters through the Online Application system.
(2) Unofficial Transcripts from all universities and/or colleges attended. These can be uploaded during your online application completion. Unofficial transcripts can take many forms, including a list of courses/grades from a previous academic institution's student portal, a copy of an official transcript, a picture of a transcript, or any other listing depicting your academic career.
Please note that although unofficial transcripts are highly recommended for the application, official transcripts will be required if admission is offered and you accept. In addition, official transcripts must be in final form (listing any degrees conferred). Official transcripts can be submitted as early as the day you accept admission and as late as the beginning of your first term of enrollment.
(3) Proof of English Proficiency is required of all applicants whose native language is not English. Please note, international applicants will automatically be exempted from the English Proficiency testing requirement if they have received or will receive a bachelor's or higher degree from one of the following countries where English is the official language:

Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Botswana, Cameroon, Canada (except Quebec), Cayman Islands, Denmark, Dominica, Fiji, Finland, Gambia, Ghana, Gibraltar, Grenada, Guyana, Ireland, Jamaica, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Malta, Mauritius, Montserrat, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Scotland, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Africa, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Swaziland, Sweden, Tanzania, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, Uganda, United States, United Kingdom, Vanuatu, Virgin Islands, Wales, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Graduate School at the University of Cincinnati
110 Van Wormer Hall PO Box 210627
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0627