Professional Writing Graduate Program

Turn your passion for writing into a career.

Professional writers are the bridge between art and science. They are the artists who bring to life the science of business, technology, discoveries, and world events. They are the storytellers who translate complex phenomena to a target audience, connecting ideas and people.

Professional writers do more than just put words on paper. They design. They create. They promote. They edit. They analyze. They construct ideas. They illustrate characters. They deliver results. You can be a professional writer. You can learn to harness the creative power of verbal and visual discourse. You can employ new technologies in designing effective communication. You can go beyond words.

Our program offers a variety of options to help you on the path to better writing. Which one will you choose?

Master of Arts Program

Red hexagon with a white graphic of a graduation cap inside of it. Links to master of arts program page

The classic educational approach. Master different styles of writing--from grant writing to social media--in our structured two year program.

Graduate Certificate Program

Back hexagon with a white certificate with a red ribbbon on it, links to Graduate Certificate Program page

Add more value to your degree with this flexible option. Our night classes are perfect for grad students in different programs or busy professionals looking to move forward in their career.

Try a Class

Gray hexagon with a book icon in the center in white, Links to Try a Class

Does one of our classes fit really well with your interests? Considering a certificate or Masters degree in the future? Try taking just one of our courses!

Student & Alumni Experiences

Hexagon shaped picture of a female student in her cap and gown, linsk to student and alumni experiences

Our students create amazing work during their studies--and they go on to do even better! The clients who work with our program are consistently impressed by the professional level of our students' work, too. 

Take a look at some of the experiences our students have had.

Opportunities for Companies & Agencies

Hexagon shaped image of a teal colored book called "The Pilcrow" on a wooden talble, links to Opportunities for companies and agencies

Could your company use some help on a special project? Could your non-profit benefit from some skilled writing, editing, or design work? Looking for a professional, skilled intern? Partner with PW! 

See how you can get our students involved, or contact our program to learn more!

Faculty Contacts & Social Media

Hexagon shaped Photo of Lora Arduser outside in the woods with green leaves and trees behind her, Image links to Faculty and social media page

Our faculty are here for you! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us and ask more about our program. And don't forget to keep in touch with the program via social media!