
A minor in English complements any major, and offers students from other disciplines the opportunity to develop the reading, writing, and critical thinking skills that employers seek in college graduates. Students choose courses from Creative Writing, Literary & Cultural Studies, and Rhetoric & Professional Writing, and may focus on one particular area of study or take courses from two or all three tracks in order to explore different areas of English.


English Minor Requirements
This requirement checklist can be completed and used during advising sessions or utilized to track the progress toward your English Minor completion.

  • A minimum of 21 credit hours is required.
  • English Composition (ENGL 1001) is the prerequisite required before any coursework is completed.
  • Although not required, it is highly recommended to complete the composition sequence (ENGL 2089: Intermediate Composition or equivalent) prior to beginning English coursework.
  • No credit is earned toward the English Minor for 1000 level composition courses.

(1) English Minor Required Course

  • ENGL 2100Ways of Reading Literature

(2) English Minor Courses

  • Any three ENGL courses at the 2000-level or above.
  • Any three ENGL courses at the 3000-level or above.