Full Time Faculty

Tenure-Track Faculty

Headshot of Richard Allan Beck

Richard Allan Beck

Professor, Geography

207 Braunstein Hall

Geographical information networks, GIS, Remote Sensing, Climate Change, South Asia, Water Resources.
Headshot of Xi Chen

Xi Chen

Assoc Professor, Geography

Braunstein Hall

Hydrology, water resources, environmental studies and modeling, physical geography, environmental engineering
Headshot of Diego  F. Cuadros

Diego F. Cuadros

Assistant Professor, Geography


Medical and health geography, GIS applications in epidemiology, environmental studies, mathematical modeling of infectious diseases, host-pathogen and pathogen-pathogen interactions, health economics assessment
Headshot of Nicholas P Dunning

Nicholas P Dunning

Professor , Geography


Environmental archaeology, soils, physical geography, cultural ecology, Latin America
Headshot of Changjoo Kim

Changjoo Kim

Associate Professor , Geography

400B Braunstein Hall


Geographic Information Science, Urban Transportation, Networks, Location Analysis, Spatial Modeling addressing theoretical and practical questions in urban and economic geography through the application of GIS methods.
Headshot of Lin Liu

Lin Liu

Professor, Graduate Director, Co-Director of GIS Center, Geography

400E Braunstein Hall


GIS, geographic visualization, quantitative methods, location analysis, crime mapping and analysis, geo-simulation, China
Headshot of Robert Browning South

Robert Browning South

Associate Professor, Geography

400C Braunstein Hall


Regional economic development, industrial location, Latin America
Headshot of Tomasz F Stepinski

Tomasz F Stepinski

Thomas Jefferson Chair Professor, Geography

215 Braunstein Hall

Space Informatics, planetary geomorphology, land change science, remote sensing, GIS
Headshot of Susanna T.Y. Tong

Susanna T.Y. Tong

Professor, Director of 2+2 Program in Geography, A&S Geography and Environmental Studies, Geography

400D Braunstein Hall


Applied Ecology, Urban Environment, Ecological Risk Assessment, Ecosystem Services, Global Changes, Watershed Management, Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling, Land Use Modeling, Non-point Source Pollution Abatement, Wildfire, Heavy Metal Contaimination
Headshot of Amy Townsend-Small

Amy Townsend-Small

Professor of Environmental Science, Geography

605 Geology-Physics Building

Dr. Amy Townsend-Small is a Professor in the School of Environment and Sustainability at University of Cincinnati. She has a Ph.D. in Marine Science from The University of Texas at Austin and a B.A. in English and Biology from Skidmore College.  She is a service-driven researcher, teacher, and mentor in environmental science and policy, with a research focus on environmental impacts of the oil and gas industry.  Together with her collaborators and students, she has published dozens of peer-reviewed articles and raised millions of dollars in research funding.  She also works with local, national, and international governments on greenhouse gas emissions reductions policies based in science.  She recently served in the Biden-Harris Administration as the Senior Climate Advisor in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, United States Department of State.  She is the recipient of the Science and Community Award from the Ohio Environmental Council and the President’s Volunteer Service Award from the President of the United States.  

Educator Faculty

Headshot of Jeffrey L Brewer

Jeffrey L Brewer

Asst Professor - Educator, Geography

400A Braunstein Hall


I am an Assistant Professor- Educator in the Department of Geography & GIS (College of A&S). My primary research interest is adopting an interdisciplinary approach to understanding human-environment relations and the evolution of urban landscapes, particularly as they relate to resource conservation and sustainability. My current fieldwork focuses on the study of household and community scale, sustainable water management activities in subtropical regions. I am also interested in the cultural geographies of food and sport, particularly the geospatial dynamics of craft breweries and urban cycling networks.
Headshot of Kevin N Raleigh

Kevin N Raleigh

Department Head, Associate Professor Educator, Geography

401-I Braunstein Hall
