Health Geography and Disease Modeling Laboratory

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Research Projects


Journal papers

  • Geospatial assessment of the voluntary medical male circumcision programme in Tanzania, 2011–2016. H Kim, A Branscum, FDW Miller, DF Cuadros. BMJ Global Health.
  • Spatial epidemiology of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Colombia: socioeconomic and demographic factors associated with a growing epidemicAM Hernández, JD Gutierrez, Y Xiao, AJ Branscum, DF Cuadros. Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

Conference papers

  • AAG Conference 


Headshot of Diego  F. Cuadros

Diego F. Cuadros

Assistant Professor, A&S Geography


Medical and health geography, GIS applications in epidemiology, environmental studies, mathematical modeling of infectious diseases, host-pathogen and pathogen-pathogen interactions, health economics assessment
Headshot of Sarah Grace Goodrich

Sarah Grace Goodrich

Graduate Assistant, A&S Geography Students