Capstone Requirements

Geography majors have two options available to them in order to fulfill the requirement of Geography Capstone experience, effective upon conversion to the semester calendar.

Option A. Portfolio

Each student is required to complete a resume, plus:

  • A short paper (10pp more or less), that contains data, data analysis, map, discussion and results, OR
    A field journal, based upon a field experience that must also include background reading of books and articles pertaining to the experience.

Option B. A Research Endeavor

Each student is required to complete a resume, plus:

  • A senior thesis as an extended research paper, or
  • A paper presented at a national or regional AAG meeting, or
  • A poster presented at a national or regional AAG meeting

Other Information

Geog 5000: Geography Capstone I (3 credit hours), scheduled in the spring semester, is required for all geography majors who will be seniors in the following year.
Geog 5007/5008 (2 credit hours), offered as independent studies, is required for all seniors to complete Capstone experience requirements as outlined in Option A or Option B above.