Departmental Advising

The geography department prides itself on personalized student advising.

Generally, undergraduate majors are expected to meet with the department's director of undergraduate studies every semester, especially if they have a problem.

They are encouraged to meet during priority registration. During this time the director of undergraduate studies has extended office hours daily, where students and the undergraduate advisor will review the student's timely progress towards completing both the major and college requirements, as well as career goals. Such meetings also permit students to learn about internship possibilities arranged by the department. The director of undergraduate studies is also available throughout the semester during office hours or by appointment for consultation.

Graduate students are likewise expected to meet with the department's director of graduate studies every semester if they have a problem, and are encouraged to meet during priority registration. Once a student has chosen a thesis or dissertation advisor, the student is required to meet with the advisor as well at least once a semester. These meetings are designed to insure that a student is making timely progress towards their degree. The director of graduate studies is also available for consultation.

All first-year graduate students are also afforded the opportunity to meet during finals week of fall semester with all the faculty they have worked with during their initial semester of graduate students. These meetings are designed to give students an early evaluation of their progress and to give faculty an opportunity to hear students' reactions to our program. A graduate student may request similar interviews anytime during a student's course of studies.

If you have more questions about the College of Arts and Sciences advising, please visit theĀ A&S Advising page.