Interdisciplinary Degree

Interdisciplinary Degree

Photo close up of a spider web

When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe. - John Muir, 1911

Before the internet, and before what we now view as a common idea that we are part of a global universe, naturalist John Muir pointed out the interdisciplinarity of knowledge. That is, knowledge is multi-faceted - an intricate web - and so too are situations, challenges, and problems we encounter in life. These can best be understood and addressed through the study of various bodies of knowledge as offered in the Interdisciplinary Studies program.

Whether we are concerned with global climate changes, geo-political affairs, human rights, medical and educational opportunities, religion, consumerism, or individual destiny, we benefit from engagement with multiple perspectives to bring about understanding and solutions to problems.

Students in Interdisciplinary Studies have the opportunity to learn from multiple disciplines and a wide-range of specific content, and to develop rich and varied methods of critical thinking. 

Interdisciplinary Studies provide:

  • Ideas and lessons learned across the disciplines that promote practical and transferable skills;
  • Knowledge and diversity of perspectives to deal with complex and changing global issues; and
  • A variety of analytic tools useful in resolving real-world problems

Through such study, students will develop increasingly complex toolkits of knowledge and theory with which to better respond to problems and issues, make sonnections, and work collaboratively.

These skills are sought after in many contexts including:

  • Graduate and professional schools
  • Employers from non-profits to global conglomerates
  • Political and Research institutions

Interdisciplinary Studies: Pave Your Own Educational Path

Myrna Borgert: Building a major as unique as her goals

Myra standning in a meadow of flowers

“Through the Interdisciplinary Program, I connected with so many unique individuals all studying different majors to achieve different ambitions. It has been awesome making those connections with students and professors. Conversations with them discussing material we learned in class or just talking about life outside the classroom has made so many tiny ideas come into fruition through projects or research papers.”

Read Myrna’s story

Rachel Baker: Combining passions into an Interdisciplinary Degree

Rachel Baker outside sitting on a bench

“The advisors in this program allow you a lot of freedom in what you want to do and are open to talking to you about what skills you’re learning in your classes and how they can or cannot translate into job skills in your ideal career, and other jobs you may have along the way.”

Read Rachel’s story


Wesley Banks: Returning student has “desire to grow in other fields of study"

Several decades off from college doesn’t mean you can’t go back to school: Wesley Banks is proof. “I first attended UC many years ago but was never able to return ... through the Interdisciplinary Program, I hope to finish a lifelong goal.”

Read Wesley’s story