Image of the Torah

Judaic Studies

Shalom and Welcome to Judaic Studies!

From King David to the Talmud, from Maimonides to Freud, Chagall and Henrietta Szold, Judaic Studies is dedicated to the academic study of Judaism within the broadest context of world civilization.

Whether you are a prospective UC undergraduate, a returning student, seminarian, or simply interested in expanding your knowledge of Jewish civilization and command of the Hebrew language, Judaic Studies is committed to providing you with the highest level academic experience. Our undergraduate courses, cross-listed with departments across UC, and joint courses with the neighboring Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, make the riches of Judaic Studies available throughout the academic community. Check out our testimonials from former students!

Our fall Lichter Lecture series brings to UC world-renowned scholars to share their expertise with students, academics and the general community alike.

Partnerships with HUC and with the American Jewish Archives allow Judaic Studies majors and minors learning experiences that cannot be matched.

Judaic Studies at the University of Cincinnati is your gateway to understanding the historical experience of the Jewish people, from Abraham to Zionism. Welcome to UC's Department of Judaic Studies, where 3,000 years of history await you!