Fast Facts

Increase in Employment Expected!
Read this interesting info from the Bureau of Labor Statistics to find out quick facts about the increasing employment opportunities for Mathematicians and Statisticians.

Open Position(s) in the Math Department
Visit our employment page to learn more.

Jobs that begin with a degree in Math...
The Wall Street Journal recently rated the top three occupations to be Mathematician, Actuary, and Statistician, all jobs that begin with a degree in Mathematical Sciences.

Are you up for the challenge?...
The Department of Mathematical Sciences now offers a number of exciting opportunities for students who wish to complete both the BA in Mathematical Sciences and the MS in either Mathematical Sciences or Statistics in a five-year period.

New Undergraduate Program in Actuarial Sciences
The Math Department now offers a track in Actuarial Sciences at the undergraduate level.

New MS program in Financial Mathematics
The Department now offers a track in financial mathematics at the Master's level.

Taft Research Seminar
The Department of Mathematical Sciences and the Charles Phelps Taft Research Center have collaborated to create another exciting year of mini-courses, colloquia, and seminars that typically includes international participants.