Financial Support

PhD Students

PhD students in the Mathematical Sciences Department typically receive a stipend and a full tuition waiver via a teaching or research assistantship, internship, or fellowship.

Teaching Assistantships

Standard duties involve conducting problem sessions for courses or teaching one three-credit hour course per semester.


The majority of our Statistics PhD students are supported by internships with local companies and research hospitals.


Each year several advanced PhD students in the department are supported by a variety of fellowships, including the Charles Phelps Taft Dissertation Fellowship, Laws Scholarships, Yates Scholarships, and the Graduate School Distinguished Dissertation Completion Fellowship.

Research Assistantships

These assistantships involve conducting research for a specific mathematics or statistics project and are funded by external research funds.  Recent sponsors include the National Science Foundation, the Army Research Office, and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Summer Funding

Most funded PhD students also receive summer funding through teaching a course, a research assistantship, or a fellowship such as a University Research Council Summer Fellowship or Maita Levine Summer Research Fellowship.

MA for Teachers of Mathematics (MAT) Students

Most MAT students are supported by a Graduate Scholarship covering 50% of tuition.  This award requires no teaching duties.

4+1 Students (Mathematics and Statistics)

Students accepted into the 4+1 program receive a Graduate Scholarship covering 25% of tuition for  two semesters.  This award requires no teaching duties.