Math Bowl
The 40th Annual UC Math Bowl will be held on Saturday, March 1, 2025. Please check back for more information early in the year.
Exams and Solutions for last Spring's Math Bowl can be found here.
Math Bowl is a high school and middle school math contest held annually in Early March.
Please join us as we celebrate mathematics, youth, and the future!
Previous Years
The University of Cincinnati Department of Mathematical Sciences sponsored the 39th Annual UC Math Bowl on March 2, 2023. This year offered both in-person format and virtual formats.
At Math Bowl, students enjoy the opportunity to work collaboratively in teams to explore interesting and challenging math problems. The contest is designed with three levels, from pre-algebra to Calculus. Dozens of teams from all over the Cincinnati area gather on UC's Main Campus in Clifton to compete.
Number of Participants
Teams of 2 - 5 students each (grades 6 - 12). The contest is limited to a maximum of 80 teams.
Nature of Contest
The competition is split up into two rounds with a short break in between. Teams receive one set of problems in each round which must be solved using mathematical skills, concepts, and problem-solving strategies. Each team has a fixed amount of time to study each set, devise mathematical solutions, and prepare written statements for the judges. Following the second round of competition, students will be given time to eat lunch before the Awards Ceremony. See "Competition Rules" below for an example schedule. Previous year's exams and solutions can also be found below in the "Exams and Solutions" section.
The panel of judges considers the efficiency, quality, and creativity of the solutions. There are three levels of competition. Each team selects the level at which it wishes to compete (see below). As each set of problems is completed, team solutions are sent to the judges for review. Awards are presented at the end of the competition.
Level 1: Calculus
Level 2: Algebra II and Geometry
Level 3: Algebra I and Pre-Algebra
Resources Needed
Paper, pencils, and calculators. Note: Graphing calculators, such as the TI-81, TI-82, TI-83, or TI-85 are welcome, but those with symbolic manipulations, such as the TI-89 and TI-92, are not permitted.
Virtual Option
There is a Virtual Math Bowl option for teams that do not reside in the Greater Cincinnati area. For more information please contact Susie Lewis.
More Information
Exams & Solutions
Exams and Solutions for previous Math Bowls.