Curriculum Guide

This page serves as a guide regarding planning your course schedule. Please keep in mind that one should also complete Time Series STAT 6041, Economics ECON1001-1002 and Corporate Finance (FIN4001) to satisfy VEE Requirements. Note: FIN 3080C is prerequisite to FIN4001.

Students should select one of the following SA tracks within the Math major:

Math-SA (BA) Curriculum

BS Math-SA-Mathematics (Actuarial Science) Curriculum Guide

Actuary students need to take STAT6041 (Time Series) as one of their elective courses. In addition, the following coursework or experience may be beneficial:

  • MATH4008 and 4009
  • Accounting courses
  • Statistical computing (SAS or R)
  • Excel and Visual Basic
  • MATH 6008 Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes

Taking these courses will help you decide if the actuarial field is right for you.

In addition, the actuarial profession uses a system of professional examinations for certification and advancement in the field. There are five "preliminary exams" which all actuaries take. Passing one or two of these exams while in college will help you land internships and a job upon graduation. Click here for more information on the exam process.

Additional questions regarding the curriculum guide should be addressed by your Math Advisor.

Courses That Help You Prepare for the Actuarial Exam P

  • STAT2037 Probability and Statistics I (required)
  • STAT6021 Mathematical Statistics I
  • STAT6022- Mathematical Statistics II
  • MATH4008 Introduction to Probability

Courses That Help You Prepare for the Actuarial Exam FM

  • MATH4009 Introduction to Financial Mathematics