Events & Activities

The Philosophy Department holds an annual colloquium (conference) focused on varying cutting-edge research topics; we have held colloquia for the past fifty-seven years. The department also has a regular visiting-speaker series, reading groups, and other activities.  

Learn more about our past colloquia.

The Philosophy Department engages in interdisciplinary and public-facing initiatives. Learn more about these initiatives.

Philosophy@Cincinnati Newsletter

Philosophy@Cincinnati newsletters are circulated in fall, spring, and summer with department news, upcoming events, and faculty and student accomplishments. 

Please see the recent newsletters for updates:

Fall 2023 

Summer 2023

Subscribe to Philosophy@Cincinnati Newsletter

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Friends of Philosophy Listserv

If you would like to receive more frequent updates about the department than available in the newsletter, including information about our vibrant speaker series and annual colloquium, you can join our Friends of Philosophy Listserv. Simply click the button above (please update the text with your first and last name) or follow the instructions below. 

Email with the following in the subject line and body of the email: 
Subscribe Phil_Friends YourFirstName YourLastName