Vision and Mission


The Psychology Department at the University of Cincinnati provides leadership in the science of human behavior by producing, disseminating, and teaching multidisciplinary, applied, clinical, and participatory empirical research that is culturally sensitive and centered on the challenges and needs faced by individuals, organizations, and communities. We work together to support inclusive, creative, and equitable opportunities for a diverse body of faculty, students, and staff to continuously develop the knowledge and skills they need to pursue fulfilling and healthy futures.



The Psychology Department at the University of Cincinnati strives to be a premier destination for students, faculty, and staff seeking a vibrant, inclusive, and positive environment to grow and thrive. We aspire to be at the cutting edge of research and teaching, to develop new ideas, and to advocate for innovative solutions that address complex organizational, social, and psychological issues.  We seek to inspire our students to tackle the challenges of the future and to be agents of positive change for themselves, their organizations, and their professional and local communities. Through continuous reflection and improvement, we are dedicated to becoming a national leader in the promotion and advancement of equity and social justice.


Core Values

The UC Department of Psychology commits to core values of:

Belonging: We cultivate a community of respect and belonging by embracing equity, inclusiveness, and diversity in our interactions with each other, our community, and our world.

Community Impact: We acknowledge our obligation to understand and address the needs of our community. We strive to create impact and be positive agents of change in the world.

Critical Thought: We use and teach others to use evidence-based, scientifically driven decision making through our teaching and scholarship in the field of psychology.

Excellence: We strive for greatness in teaching, service, research, advocacy, and leadership and our impact on our community.

Innovation: We embrace life-long learning, development, and improvement in all that we do and remain amenable to diverse perspectives and approaches.