Graduate Programs

Welcome to the Department of Psychology. We offer graduate degrees, equipping students to work in a wide variety of jobs in the public, private, and governmental sectors. They include:

In addition to pursuing these degrees, we encourage students to become active members of the department, participating in organizations such as the Psychology Club, conducting research in various labs, and help shape the atmosphere of our department. Our organizations offer many programs that help students learn about careers paths and extra-curricular training opportunities. You can also contact Paula Shear at or any of our five program directors with specific questions pertaining to our programs.

  • Professor Farrah Jacquez, Assistant Department Head

  • Professor Stacie Furst-Holloway, Director of MA in Psychology and CORA Programs

  • Professor Erinn Green, Director of Undergraduate Training in Psychology

  • Professor Nancy Rogers, Director of Undergraduate Training in Organizational Leadership

  • Professor Kristen Jastrowski Mano, Director of Clinical Training (PhD program) and Co-       Director of Graduate studies

  • Professor Paula Silva, Co-Director of Graduate Studies