Psychology Graduate Student Association (PGSA)

The Psychology Graduate Student Association was founded in 2007, and fulfills various support roles within the department, disburses awards and travel scholarships, as well as assistance for new student orientation and potential student interview accommodations. The purpose, stated in the PGSA constitution reads,

The central goals of the PGSA are three-fold. First, the PGSA aims to further graduate student’s academic development by bringing together students working with a diverse faculty on a variety of research projects across the experimental and clinical psychology programs. 

Second, the PGSA serves as a direct line of communication to department faculty to facilitate a positive graduate student experience at UC, to advocate for graduate students needs, interests, and desires, and to act as a student voice at executive committee and department faculty meetings.

Third, the PGSA aims to promote the general well-being of graduate students by regularly sponsoring a wide variety of social events within the department. Through the organization of social activities, the PGSA seeks to create a harmonious and relaxed community of colleagues and friends amongst graduate students within the psychology department.


The current officers of PGSA as well as contact information can be found on the campus organization page