Current Research Projects

Photo of a person, one as a veteran and then as a doctor


Thank you for your interest in our study examining the experiences of Veterans transitioning from the military to the civilian sector. The study is being led by Dr. Stacie Holloway from the University’s Department of Psychology.

For this study, we are recruiting Veterans who were discharged from the U.S. military on or after September 1, 2001 to participate in an on-line survey. The survey itself will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. In exchange for your participation, we will send you a $5 gift card from

Although not a direct benefit to you, the findings from this study will be used to better understand veteran’s work experiences after leaving the military.  Accordingly, results may be used to inform practice and policy in both the military and in the civilian workforce.

Your participation in this study is voluntary and your responses during the survey will be confidential. Only members of the research team will have access to the survey responses.  Neither your name nor other identifying information will be required to participate, and as such will not be included in the final data set used by the researchers.

If you are interested in participating, please use the link below to access the Veteran Transition Survey.  We thank you very much for your time.

In the interim, if you have any questions or concerns about this research study, please contact me at 513-556-0176 or via email at

Thank you!

Stacie Furst-Holloway

Department of Psychology

University of Cincinnati

Photo of woman standing at a computer

Current Research Projects

Dr. Dieter Vanderelst

Profile:  SBBE, Sensory ecology, models of bat echolocation and flight control, robotic and computational models of animal behaviour and perception. Models of human cognition.

Dr. Vanderelst's FALL 2020 RESEARCH Opportunity:

1) Slots: up to 2
2) Studying sonar-based perception in bats (aka echolocation) using a
combination of technologies. Students might assist in collecting sonar
data documenting seasonal changes to vegetation. The question we are
trying to answer is how much a bat's echoic environment changes over
time. Other related projects are possible, depending on the student's
background and interests.
3) Preferably, students should be comfortable using technology and and
programming skills would be highly beneficial. And interest in biology,
especially animal senses, would be good.
