Frequently Asked Questions

I just transferred into the ORGL major. I want to know which classes I need to take and if any of the courses I have taken already can be applied to my new major. With whom should I talk?
You will need to schedule an appointment with the ORGL advising assistant. Please call 556-5331 or email to schedule an appointment.

I am a current ORGL major and want to make sure I am registering for the right courses next quarter. What should I do?
First, we suggest consulting the major checklist and comparing the courses listed there with those included in your degree audit. If, after completing this step you are still unclear whether you are taking the right courses, please call (556-5331) or email ( the ORGL advisor to schedule an appointment.

I am a current ORGL student. How can I make sure I am on track to graduate on-time?
Download a current copy of your degree audit and compare your standing with the major checklist. If, after completing this step you are unclear whether you are on-track, please schedule an appointment with the ORGL advisor at 556-5331.

Does the ORGL program require any specific courses be taken as part of the College's core distribution requirements?
Yes, we do. For all students who declared ORGL as their major after 9-1-09, the A&S distribution requirements for ORGL students are the same for all other A&S students with THREE exceptions: (1) the required English Composition courses are ENGL 1001, 1002, and 2009; (2) the required math courses are STAT147, STAT1034, and STAT1035 (must have a 2.0 GPA for STAT); and, (3) the required social sciences (SS) courses are ECON1001, ECON1002, and COMM1071.

When do I have to apply for graduation?
Deadlines for applying for graduation are determined by the University and listed on the registrar's web-page. To confirm the deadline for the quarter in which you want to apply for graduation, visit the registrar's web-site and look for the calendar listing "Dates & Deadlines for Registration, Withdrawals, Fees and Refunds."

I am not an ORGL major but I am interested in ORGL as a 2nd major or minor. Who should I talk to?
Schedule an appointment with Dr. Nancy Rogers, our Academic Director.

I am a current ORGL student and want to see if I can substitute a course. What should I do?
We strongly discourage students from substituting courses not listed by the program, because the program provides a comprehensive list of courses within each of the competencies areas allowing students a great deal of flexibility in choosing their courses. These courses are selected based on their relevance to the competency area and their level of rigor. We understand that time and scheduling constraints may occasionally occur. In these cases, substitutions may be allowed ONLY as a last resort and must be pre-approved by Dr. Nancy Rogers. If you are considering a course substitution, please email the name and catalog description of the course along with a copy of the syllabus to the ORGL advisor( The assistant will work with the faculty to determine if the substitution is permissible and will contact you via email after that decision has been made.

I am a current ORGL major interested in adding minor, what would be a good minor to pair with my ORGL major?
Please call 556-5331 to meet with the ORGL advisor ( to discuss minor options.

Some of my courses on my audit are showing up incorrectly, will this affect my ability to graduate?
If you have questions about graduation or your audit please contact the ORGL advisor ( at 556-5331.