Organizational Leadership Club

Who we are:

Association of Fundraising Professionals - Nonprofit Organizational Leadership Association (AFP-NOLA) was built to support Organizational Leadership majors and minors and all other students at UC interested in leadership and fundraising. This club is housed in the AFP- collegiate chapter (UC Foundation) and ORGL.   We are a resource for students interested in professional development, networking, and community service.

Our mission:

AFP-NOLA exists to educate our student peers about the impact of philanthropy on campus, expose others to the field of fundraising/ university advancement, and serve as a resource to enhance Organizational Leadership – Nonprofit and Community Leadership students and all majors.




Faculty Adviser: Dr. Megan Church-Nally (

Our Meetings:

General membership meetings are held monthly. Join our roster on Campus Link, or click the link below join our organization to receive updates and emails about meetings and activities.

Club Adviser:

Megan Church-Nally, PhD

Assistant Professor – Educator

Office: 5140C- 1 Edwards Hall


PH: 513-556-5543