Faculty Mentors

Dr. Jeffery Epstein is Director of the Center for ADHD at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Students will have the opportunity to work on the many research projects at the Center for ADHD by observing data collection with ADHD participants, interacting with study participants, or analyzing existing datasets. Current research projects involve examining quality improvement interventions to improve the quality of ADHD care provided by community-based pediatricians, examining the efficacy of cognitive training, school-based, and medication interventions for the treatment of ADHD, and examining neuropsychological deficits in children with ADHD. Studies use a wide variety of methods including randomized controlled trials, neuropsychological assessment, behavioral coding, neuroimaging, and technology-based interventions. All of the research at the Center for ADHD is multidisciplinary and involves working with faculty from multiple divisions. There will also be the opportunity to attend and present at weekly research meetings, lab meetings, and case conferences.

Dr. Stacie Furst-Holloway is the Director of the Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness Lab. Students will be assisting a cross-college research team investigating the impact of mobile communication technologies (MCTs) on how, when, where, and how much we work. The objective of this study is to investigate the factors that promote the "healthy” adoption of MCTs. Using Karasek and Theorell’s (1990) demand- control-support model as a guiding framework, we explore the proposition that healthy adoption occurs when employees use MCTs to establish control over their myriad demands by creating or removing work and home boundaries to match preferences and negotiating their desired level of organizational membership. Data collection from interview and survey efforts will be completed and the team will be analyzing these data. Accordingly, students will assist in this study and prepare reports and presentations for dissemination.

Dr. Farrah Jacquez is the Director of the Partnerships for the Improvement and Treatment of Child Health lab.  The PITCH lab uses community-based participatory research to inform and develop interventions to address child health dispartiies.  Please see her website for more details.

Dr. Kristen Jastrowski Mano is the Director of the Child and Adolescent Health research Laboratory. Her research examines the cognitive and emotional mechanisms associated with the development and maintenance of pediatric chronic pain.  Current research projects are focused on anxiety and school avoidance in the context of pediatric chronic pain. She is also interested in the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral and mindfulness-based interventions for pediatric chronic health conditions. Her teaching interests include health psychology, child psychopathology, and measurement.

Dr. Lindsay Johnson's research interests consist of topics related to diversity, leadership, and gender equity in organizations. Her research has explored the complex realities of women in nontraditional (e.g. male-dominated) work environments. Johnson's current projects investigate intersections of ideology, identity, and work industry and the potential impact on women and underrepresented minoritites in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Medicine) careers.

Dr. Rachel Kallen is the Director of the Social Identity & Diversity Lab in the Center for Cognition, Action and Perception. The SID lab investigates the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral consequences of living with devalued or stigmatized identities. Student research will focus on the dynamical systems approach to modeling performance under stereotype threat and investigations of methods of stereotype threat reduction. In addition, student researchers will have opportunities to work on real-world applications to broaden participation of students and faculty within the STEM disciplines.

Dr. Heidi Kloos is the Director of the Children’s Cognitive Research Lab in the Center for Cognition, Action and Perception. Our research team studies the basics of knowledge development and children's learning, using insights from complexity science and the framework of cognitive coordination. Three research questions are of particular interest: (1) Where do children's beliefs come from? (2) How do children coordinate pieces of information to learn about abstract concepts? (3) How does coordination develop in children with autism? To answer these questions, we look at children’s problem solving and reasoning skills in experimental settings.

Dr. Quintino Mano is the Director for the Laboratory for Cognitive and Affective Neuropsychology. His research program investigates the neuropsychology of Learning Disabilities (e.g., developmental dyslexia) across the lifespan, with a particular focus on orthographic processing and cognition-emotion interactions. Dr. Mano integrates methodologies from clinical and experimental neuropsychology and functional neuroimaging (i.e., fMRI) to identify neuronal mechanisms underlying dyslexia. The ultimate purpose of his research program is to develop novel neuropsychological tests and treatments that are based on neuroscientific findings.

Dr. Michael Richardson is the Co-Director of the Perceptual-Motor Dynamics Lab in the Center for Cognition, Action and Perception. Students will use virtual reality, human-computer interfaces, as well as numerous data collection tools, including motion- and eye-tracking systems for research aimed at understanding and modeling the dynamics of the cognitive and perceptual-motor processes involved in joint-action and social movement coordination. For example, investigations of how two or more people coordinate and control their behaviors, movement and postures or perceive and understand the behaviors, movement and postures of co-actors during a conversational exchange, playing a physical game together, or simply moving, passing, or navigating around environmental objects. Students will be introduced to how the research methods and analysis tools of complex dynamical systems (e.g., linear and nonlinear time-series analysis) can be employed to investigate the self-organized and emergent nature of real time joint action and social coordination.

Dr. Michael Riley is the Director of the Center for Cognition, Action and Perception and Co-Director of the Perceptual-Motor Dynamics Lab. Students will be involved in research on fundamental processes of perceptual-motor coordination in gait, balance, and limb movements, as well as research on deficits in these processes. Similar to above, experience will be gained using motion capture and eye tracking, as well as complex time series analysis, and such methods will be used for ongoing and future projects that examine postural instability in cerebral palsy, motor expertise in professional ballet dancers, and coordination of movements between two people who are interacting during a conversation.