
Headshot of Juan Godoy Penas

Juan Godoy Penas

Assoc Professor - Educator, A&S Romance & Arabic Languages & Literat



Juan A. Godoy Peñas is an Associate Professor Educator in Spanish, Director of RALL Undergraduate Studies, Coordinator of Placement for Spanish, Coordinator of the Summer Spanish Local Immersion Program, and Co-Director of the Study Abroad Program in Queretaro, Mexico, as well of the Curricular Enhancement, Development, Access and Research Language Resource Center at the University of Cincinnati. Previously, he has worked as Teaching Assistant at Harvard University and Visiting Instructor at Qingdao University, China. His research interests mainly focus on Spanish peninsular literature, and applied linguistics and second language teaching. Both areas of his work focus on the concept of identity and its formation through writing and the acquisition of foreign language.
In the literary field, he studies the second generation of writers exiled by the Spanish Civil War, the concepts of memory and trauma, and the hybridity of literary genres, especially autobiographical genres. In relation to this topic, he has recently published the articles “La «Otra» segunda generación de escritores exiliados tras la Guerra Civil española: más allá de México” in Hispanófila, and “Niños de la guerra en México: la desterritorialización como consecuencia del exilio a través de Carlos Blanco Aguinaga y Angelina Muñiz-Huberman” in Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies. Currently, he is editing his book Memoria, identidad y literatura del yo: narrativas de la segunda generación de escritores exiliados por la Guerra Civil española, which will be released in late 2020 or early 2021.
Regarding applied linguistics and second language teaching, his research pays attention to the role of technology in the classroom and the creation of hybrid courses. This led him to create the first hybrid course in Spanish in collaboration with Dr. Liander within the Department of RLL at Harvard University in Spring 2020. Additionally, he is especially interested in the role of the learner´s identity in the process of second language acquisition, as well as the impact of the incorporation of diversity in the didactic material. In 2020, in collaboration with the Observatory Cervantes at Harvard University, he organized a series of workshops entitled “Mapping the Minorities in Spanish as Second Language Acquisition.” He has also recently been invited by the Institute Cervantes from NY to give a workshop entitled “Fostering Diversity in the Spanish Language Classroom: the role of minoritized identities.”
Headshot of Leah Adelson

Leah Adelson

Asst Professor - Educator, A&S Romance & Arabic Languages & Literat



Dr. Leah Adelson is the Coordinator of Beginning Intensive Spanish (SPAN1001-1002) and teaches Spanish language in the Department of Romance and Arabic Languages and Literatures. Previously, she has worked as a Spanish and Portuguese instructor at Georgetown University where she taught courses in language, linguistics, and language teaching methodology. Her research interests include second/foreign language pedagogy, third language acquisition, teacher training, and online teaching and learning.
Headshot of Carlos M Gutiérrez

Carlos M Gutiérrez

Professor of Spanish & Graduate Director, A&S Romance & Arabic Languages & Literat


513 556-1845

Research: Early Modern Spanish literary field and authorial self-fashioning. Publications: La recepción de Quevedo (1645-2010), (U de Navarra, 2011); La red ciega (Lima: Hipocampo, 2008; 2nd ed., NY: Digitalia, 2011; short stories); [see reviews & articles on my creative work]; La espada, el rayo y la pluma: Quevedo y los campos literario y de poder (Purdue UP, 2005; [a review]); Dejémonos de cuentos (Valladolid, 1994; short stories); book-chapters; reviews/articles in Hispanic Review, Boletín de la Bib. Menéndez Pelayo, Cervantes, Iberoamericana, Calíope, Romance Languages AnnualPerinola, Bulletin of the Comediantes,  Etiópicas, or Espéculo. I've also participated in research projects and in art projects and online exhibits with DAAP, Cincinnati Art Museum and Google Arts & Culture: 
I work on a book about Cervantes and direct the Madrid Summer Program
Headshot of Andie Nicole Anderson

Andie Nicole Anderson

Instructor - Adjunct Ann, A&S Romance Language Adjuncts



Andie is a language instructor with a background in second language acquisition and applied linguistics. She holds an M.A. in Spanish with a focus on pedagogy from the University of Cincinnati and a B.A. in Spanish and International Affairs from the University of Cincinnati. She is passionate about helping her students succeed in their language learning journey, and she loves to watch them grow as Spanish speakers. She has experience teaching both in person and virtually, and is dedicated to consistently integrating new and innovative technology tools into the language classroom.
Headshot of Ashley Nichole Anneken

Ashley Nichole Anneken

Assistant Professor Educator, A&S Romance & Arabic Languages & Literat



Ashley holds a M.A. in Spanish from the University of Cincinnati and a B.A. in Spanish, Psychology, and Legal Studies from Saint Louis University, and has also studied in Mérida, Mexico, and Madrid, Spain. In the classroom, Ashley is inspired by the ability of foreign-language education to guide learners through unique discovery processes of self and society. Her current projects involve implementing Integrated Performance Assessment and Game-Based Language Learning.
Headshot of Ursula Hazembuller Atisme

Ursula Hazembuller Atisme

Instructor - Adj Ann, A&S Romance Language Adjuncts



Ursula H Atisme is a PhD student at the University of Cincinnati.  She holds a Master of Art in Latin American Studies from Brigham Young University, and a Bachelor in Spanish Teaching from the National University of La Plata, Argentina.  In the past, she taught Spanish at the university, Middle and High School levels.  Her teaching experience includes both literature and grammar, as well as curriculum development. Her main research interests are: Latin American contemporary literature, Argentine contemporary novel and Meta-fiction.
Headshot of Luis Angel Angel Barreto

Luis Angel Angel Barreto

Poet, writer and editor. Luis Ángel Barreto holds a Master´s Degree in Philosophy from La Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela. He has worked as a writer and editor in several magazines in his home country and abroad on topics related to literature, music and politics. He has been assistant coordinator in international research projects of pedagogy and ethics. He worked as screenwriter and music editor for short films, catoons, and for dance and theater performances. Nowadays, he is a Ph.D. student at the University of Cincinnati.
Headshot of Beatriz Celaya Carrillo

Beatriz Celaya Carrillo

Ph.D., A&S Romance & Arabic Languages & Literat


Dr. Beatriz Celaya has taught in the U.S.A., Canada, Jordan, and Ghana (Yarmouk University, Washington University in Saint Louis, Concordia University, University of Central Florida, Miami University of Ohio, and University of Ghana). Her research and teaching areas of specialization are Twentieth-Century Spanish Literature and Culture, Feminist Theory, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Hispanic Women Artists, Spanish Film, Migration and Race in Spain, Equatoguinean Literature.
She has published a book, Sexualidad femenina en la novela y cultura española, 1900-1936 (2006), and she is currently working on representations of race, gender and social status in Spanish renaissance. She has also published a book chapter, and several  academic articles in journals such as Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies, Arenal, Modern Language Notes, Romance Quarterly, Dieciocho, Ámbitos feministas, Afro-Hispanic Review, or eHumanista.
Headshot of Rosario Drucker Davis

Rosario Drucker Davis

Assistant Professor Educator, A&S Romance & Arabic Languages & Literat

709A Old Chemistry Building


Rosario Drucker Davis hold a Linguistics from the University of Kentucky, an M.A. in English as a Second Language from the University of Arizona, and an M.A. in French Literature from the University of Cincinnati. 

She currently teaches SPAN 1021  Spanish for the Health Professions I,
SPAN 1022 Spanish for the Health Professions II, Spanish 3010 Spanish for Social Work and Health Care Services, SPAN 3021/7021 Business Spanish I, and SPAN 3022/7022 Business Spanish II

Headshot of J. Mauricio Espinoza

J. Mauricio Espinoza

Assistant Professor of Spanish and Latin American Literature/Cultural Studies , A&S Romance & Arabic Languages & Literat



My areas of research are Latin American cultural studies, Central American literature, and Latino/a studies. Within Latin American studies, I concentrate on film/TV and graphic narrative (comics and graphic novels). Within Central American literature, I study poetry and migration narratives. Finally, I study issues of migration, identity formation, and visual representation of Latinos/as in U.S. popular culture.

In addition to research, I write original poetry and translate the work of Central American poets (particularly the twentieth-century Costa Rican poet Eunice Odio).
Headshot of Luis M Gonzalez-Garcia

Luis M Gonzalez-Garcia

Instructor - Adjunct Ann, A&S Romance Language Adjuncts

Old Chemistry Building


Headshot of Janine C Hartman

Janine C Hartman

Professor of History,, A&S Romance & Arabic Languages & Literat



Professor of

Dept Romance Languages and Literatures
College of Arts & Sciences
717D Old Chem Bldg
Ph 556-1596
My field is the history of ideas. Current research interests are Catulle Mendés,Parnassian poet and his role as  witness to the  Franco-Prussian war, the Commune  insurrection and fall  of Paris in 1871, as  refracted through "ruin studies." Additional fields include witchcraft, ritual in early modern society and symbolic sovereignty in French colonial history..
Affliiate: History,Judaic Studies, Women & Gender Studies
Headshot of Fenfang Hwu

Fenfang Hwu

Professor, A&S Romance & Arabic Languages & Literat



  • Computer Assisted Language Learning: grammar instruction, input, learner-behavior tracking, productive and receptive practice, pronunciation, research methods.
  • Second Language Acquisition: individual differences in language aptitude and personality preferences, input enhancement, pedagogical grammar, practice.
  • Spanish Linguistics: phonetics, preterite vs. imperfect.
Headshot of Irene Ivanova Ivantcheva-Merjanska

Irene Ivanova Ivantcheva-Merjanska

Assoc Professor - Educator, A&S Romance & Arabic Languages & Literat



Associate Professor Educator
Headshot of Edna M Johnson

Edna M Johnson

Instructor - Adj, A&S Romance Language Adjuncts



Headshot of Ekaterina  Katzarova

Ekaterina Katzarova

Program Manager, A&S School of Communication, Film&Media



Headshot of Anne Lingwall Odio

Anne Lingwall Odio

Asst Professor - Educator, A&S Romance & Arabic Languages & Literat



Dr. Anne Lingwall Odio is an Assistant Professor Educator of Spanish grammar and linguistics courses. She is the Associate Director of Projects and Partnerships of the CEDAR LRC.

Anne utilizes her research backgroud in bilingualism and second language studies to inform her teaching. As a researcher, Anne is interested in the impact that the language environment can have on linguistic development. Anne also works with local community organizations and schools to support and advocate for home language maintenance and bilingualism. 
Headshot of Nuria  Rocio Lopez-Ortega

Nuria Rocio Lopez-Ortega

Educator Associate Professor, A&S Romance & Arabic Languages & Literat



Director of Curriculum; Assistant Department Head.  Areas of teaching: Spanish language (all levels) and Spanish Linguistics. Areas of academic interest:  Spanish Linguistics; Second Language Learning and SLA; Pedagogy; Teacher Training; Study Abroad.
Academic-related activities: writing collaborator and consultant for major foreign  language  publishing companies;  dual-enrollment Spanish program mentor with local high schools; Spanish AP reader.


Instructor - Adj Ann, A&S Romance Language Adjuncts



Headshot of Maria Elvira Mendoza

Maria Elvira Mendoza

Assistant Professor - Adjunct Ann, A&S Romance Language Adjuncts


Headshot of Kara Nicole Moranski

Kara Nicole Moranski

Asst Professor, A&S Romance & Arabic Languages & Literat


Dr. Kara Moranski teaches Spanish and foreign language education courses in the Department of Romance and Arabic Languages and Literatures. She uses her training in both applied linguistics and educational statistics to conduct curricular research, investigating what is working in contemporary language classes in K-12 and postsecondary settings. Her recent work has focused on flipped learning models and metacognitive instruction to promote peer interaction. Her research has appeared in Foreign Language Annals, The Modern Language Journal, and Applied Linguistics. 
Headshot of Maria Paz Moreno

Maria Paz Moreno

Professor of Spanish, A&S Romance & Arabic Languages & Literat



Prof. Moreno holds a Licenciatura en Filosofía y Letras from the University of Alicante, Spain, and a Phd. in Spanish Literature from The Ohio State University. Her research focuses on Contemporary Spanish Poetry, Food Studies (Gastronomy and Culinary Literature), and Spanish Women Writers. She is the author of several scholarly books and critical editions, among them El culturalismo en la poesía de Juan Gil-Albert (IGA, 2000), the critical edition of Juan Gil Albert, Poesía Completa (Pre-Textos, 2004), the volume Cartas a Juan Gil-Albert. Epistolario selecto (IGA, 2016), and the poetic anthology Concha Zardoya. Antología Poética (IGA, 2008). In the area of food studies, she has published two monographs: De la página al plato. El libro de cocina en España (Trea, 2012), and Madrid: A Culinary History (Rowman & Littlefield, 2018).

As a poet, she has published ten books of poetry and has been included in several anthologies, among them Poetisas Españolas 1976-2001 (Ed. Torremozas, 2003), El poder del cuerpo (Ed. Castalia, 2009), and Nueva poesía alicantina (2000-2005) (IGA, 2016)Her anthology From the Other Shore/ De la otra orilla was published in 2018 by Valparaíso Editors. Her most recent books include Amiga del monstruo (Ed. Renacimiento, 2020) and the bilingual edition of The Belly of an Iguana/ El vientre de las iguanas (Valparaíso Eds., 2021), translated by Jennifer Rathbun.

Prof. Moreno is a recipient of the George Rieveschl Jr. Award for Creative and/or Scholarly Works (2019), and the Distinguished Research Professor Award (2023).

Headshot of Danae T Orlins

Danae T Orlins

Educator Assistant Professor, A&S Romance & Arabic Languages & Literat


Dr. Danae Orlins is the coordinator of the extended basic Spanish sequence (SPAN 1011-1014) and the 2nd year langage sequence (SPAN 2015-2016).  Her research interests include pedagogy, Early Modern narrative and undergraduate education.  She came to the University of Cincinnati after many years teaching all levels of Spanish at undergraduate liberal arts colleges, and learning and teaching language has always been close to her heart.

Headshot of Alberto Eduardo Sosa-Cabanas

Alberto Eduardo Sosa-Cabanas

Instructor - Adj, A&S Romance Language Adjuncts

Old Chemistry Building


Headshot of Kenneth C. Totten

Kenneth C. Totten

Asst Professor - Adj Ann, A&S Romance Language Adjuncts



Headshot of Patricia C Valladares-Ruiz

Patricia C Valladares-Ruiz

Professor of Latin American and Caribbean literature and film., A&S Romance & Arabic Languages & Literat


Professor Patricia Valladares-Ruiz's major research and teaching interests focus on race, gender, sexuality, geographical imagination, and political dissent in Latin American and Caribbean literature, cinema, and popular culture.

She is the author of Narrativas del descalabro: La novela venezolana en tiempos de revolución (Tamesis, 2018), Sexualidades disidentes en la narrativa cubana contemporánea (Tamesis, 2012), the editor of Afro-Hispanic Subjectivities (Cincinnati Romance Review, 2011), and the coeditor of El tránsito vacilante: Miradas sobre la cultura venezolana contemporánea (Rodopi, 2013).  Professor Valladares-Ruiz has also published book chapters and articles on Latin American and Caribbean literature and cinema in scholarly journals such as Revista Hispánica Moderna, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, Studies in Latin American Popular CultureMLN: Modern Language Notes, Revista Iberoamericana, Romance Quarterly, Hispania, La Torre, Neophilologus, Monographic ReviewInti, eHumanista: Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Studies, Cuadernos de literatura, and Letras Femeninas.

Research and Teaching Interests: Latin American and Caribbean literature, film, and popular culture; Neo-slave narratives; geographical imagination in early colonial Spanish America; digital humanities and textual analysis; large language models in humanities research; migrant literature; critical analysis of AI; politics and aesthetics.

Theoretical interests: Cultural Theory, Postcolonial Studies, Critical Race Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA).