Graduate Spanish

Fall 2021

SPAN7067 HISPANIC CARIBBEAN LITERATURE                                                                                  Thursdays 5:00PM-8:00 PM                                                                                                                            Prof. Patricia Valladares-Ruiz •

In this course, we will focus on contemporary fiction (novels and short stories), essays, and representative documentary and narrative films from the Hispanic Caribbean. We will analyze the literary treatment of racial, class, sexual, gender, and religious identities in postcolonial and neocolonial Caribbean societies. We will examine the particularities and commonalities of different historical contexts, as well as the cultural and sociopolitical effects of colonization in the region. In this regard, we will reflect on the complex relationship between the colonized and the colonizer, cultural oppression, and economic dependency.

SPAN 8063 Topics: Ecos y continuidades del Siglo de Oro en la literatura hispanoamericana contemporánea.                                                                                                                                            Prof. Carlos M. Gutiérrez,                                                                                Tuesdays 5:00PM-8:00PM

Objetivos del curso: 1) estudiar algunos textos canónicos de la literatura del Siglo de Oro (Celestina, Lazarillo, crónicas, poesía moral) y 2) explorar ecos y continuidades de dichos textos en la literatura hispanoamericana contemporánea (Sarduy, Fernando Vallejo, Carpentier, Borges y García Márquez). Existe la posibilidad de presentar proyectos alternativos al paper: creativos, pedagógicos, diseño de páginas de internet, etc.  

Fall 2020

SPAN 7001 Teaching practicum. Required to all new graduate students. This course is the first sequence of a practicum of foreign language teaching at the college level. The course is designed to help graduate teaching assistants in all aspects of teaching the first-year basic foreign language courses. Methodology, materials development, assessment, and classroom management as well as teaching practices are discussed and evaluated on a weekly basis. Professional development is assessed through activities such as observation reports, peer observations and the creation of pedagogical materials.

SPAN 8060 Taft Research Seminar on Andean literature. This course will meet on Tuesdays from 5 to 8. Prof. Urbina. This course will count with the participation of Sara Castro-Klarén, Professor of Latin American Literature and Culture at Johns Hopkins University; Victor Vich professor in the School of Humanities at Pontificia Universidad Católica of Perú, and  Carlos Yushimito, Peruvian writer who holds a doctorate and a Master in Hispanic Studies from Brown University, as well as a Master in Latin American Literature and Cultural Studies from Villanova University.

SPAN 8025 The Works of Federico García Lorca. This course will meet on Wednesdays from 5 to 8. Prof. Moreno. In this course, students will read and discuss Federico Garcia Lorca's most important works, in both poetry and theatre. These works include Poema del cante jondo, Romancero gitano, Poeta en Nueva York, La casa de Bernarda Alba, and Bodas de sangre. Lorca's talents as a musician and visual artist will also be analyzed, as well as his biography. Students will read the most relevant critical bibliography on the subject. The course is conducted in Spanish.

Spring 2020

SPAN 7039 Don Quixote in Translations.

Day & time: Tuesdays & Thursdays 12:30-1:30

Prof. Gutierrez

Description: Don Quijote in Translation is an introduction to and close reading of Cervantes's famous novel. Students will read, analyze and discuss the novel. The course will read a number of chapters of Don Quixote each week, focusing on a specific theme or themes, for which appropriate bibliography will be provided and required to read. Taught in English. 


• Students will become familiar with Don Quijote and with the literary genres alluded to in the novel

• Students will be able to analyze and write about Don Quijote

• Students will be able to understand the cultural context, with the historical context and with and the literary field in which Don Quijote was published

SPAN 7032/ 4041 Comics and Film.

Day & time: Wednesday 5-8 pm

Prof. Espinoza

Description: This course uses selected comic books/graphic novels and film and other screen media (television series, etc.) to compare and contrast the two different visual art forms.  We will analyze the interplay and inspiration between and across media and use the selected readings and viewings to understand important contemporary issues (human rights, migration, travel, political issues, gender issues) and their representations in comics and film. We will discuss and apply theories of adaptation, comic art, and cinema. French students will consider a variety of works from France and the francophone world (notably Africa and Europe). Spanish students will examine works from both Latin America and Spain. All students will discuss key theories and contexts together before breaking into groups for discussions of primary texts or films.

SPAN 8005 Modernism.

Day & time: Tuesday 5-8 pm

Prof. Romero

Description: This course will study in detail the development of Modernism in Latin America and Spain. It will provide a historical introduction to Modernism. It will analyze the principles and characteristics of Modernism as seen in literature. It will study in detail the works of Rubén Darío, Gutiérrez Nájera, José Martí, Julián del Casal, and other important writers of the period.

Fall 2019

SPAN/FREN 7001 Teaching Practicum (1 cr.)

SPAN7017 Survey of Golden Age Spanish Literature

Day & time: Wednesday 5-8 pm.

Dr. Carlos Gutiérrez

Description: This course is designed to introduce students to the main literary genres (picaresque novel, poetry, and comedia) and authors present in Spanish Golden Age Literature and to help prepare them for the MA exam. Students will read several works from the Spanish Golden Age portion of the MA list, and practice close reading and textual commentary.

SPAN7070 Colonial Spanish American Literature

Day & time: Tuesday 5-7 pm

Dr. Patricia Valladares-Ruiz

Description: This course offers a critical study of representative texts of colonial Spanish America from different theoretical perspectives. Primary readings —such as travelers’ accounts, religious and military reports, natural histories, early chronicles, ethnographic studies, slave and captivity narratives, treatises, codices, dramatic, and lyric texts— will be examined within their historical context. This course includes several texts from the reading lists for the M.A. and the Ph.D. comprehensive exams. This course will follow a hybrid model. Each week, we will meet to discuss the assigned readings. The students will be required to complete online assignments in preparation for the in-class portion of the course.

Spring 2018

SPAN7093 Hispanic Cultural Studies: Cómic y Novela Gráfica Latinoamericana: Teoría y Práctica del Arte Secuencial                 (Prof. Mauricio Espinoza)

Este curso explora el género de la narrativa gráfica en Latinoamérica, incluyendo la producción de caricatura política, historietas, cómics, y novelas gráficas. Se estudiará la historia de este género en diferentes países y regiones; consideraciones teórico-metodológicas para el estudio del arte narrativo secuencial; y análisis de textos representativos de la producción gráfica latinoamericana.


SPAN7023 Survey Spanish Literature XX Century                          (Prof. María Paz Moreno)

El propósito del curso es proveer una visión general de los distintos movimientos literarios que tuvieron lugar en España durante el siglo XX, familiarizando al estudiante con algunas de las lecturas obligatorias incluidas en las listas de lectura de los programa de MA y PhD en Lenguas Romances de la Universidad de Cincinnati. El acercamiento e hilo conductor bajo el que se analizarán los textos estará basado en las cuestiones de representación, memoria, autoría y realidad vs. ficción, analizándose su presencia e implicaciones en las obras literarias leídas. Los requisitos del curso incluyen la asistencia activa a todas las clases, la lectura de los textos asignados, la redacción de un ensayo final, una presentación de clase (sobre el tema del ensayo final), y un examen/ensayo escrito, a redactar con apoyo bibliográfico y notas. 

Spring 2017

RLL 7053 Computer-Assisted Language Learning SWLC (Hwu)

The course explores the applicability and application of computer technologies in various areas of second language learning and teaching, as well as the integration of second language learning theories in a Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) environment. The emphasis is on helping second language teachers make informed judgments about how to incorporate computers into their language classes to make certain aspects of student learning more engaging, efficient, and/or effective.

SPAN 7093 Hispanic Cultural Studies (Espinoza)

This course provides students with the opportunity of learning in depth about a specific topic related to the culture of Spain or Latin America. The theoretical framework employed within the field of cultural studies will vary according to topic and instructor. Bibliography may be in English or Spanish. All class discussions and coursework will be conducted in Spanish.

SPAN 7095 Spanish Women Poets (Moreno)

This course focuses on the reading and analysis of works by women poets from Spain, including Rosalíade Castro, Carolina Coronado, Gloria Fuertes, Ángela Figuera, Ana Rossetti and Blanca Andreu. The theoretical frame of feminist theory will be provided by reading works by Virginia Woolf, Simone de Beauvoir, Julia Kristeva, Sandra Gilbert & Susan Gubar, Elaine Showalter and Toril Moi. The class is conducted in Spanish.

SPAN 8054 The Latin American Short Story (Urbina)

This course studies the theory and practice of the short story in Latin America. Writers studied include Esteban Echevarria, Horacio Quiroga, Julio Cortazar, Jorge Luis Borges, Juan Rulfo, Juan Bosh, and many others.

SPAN 8060 Topics in Latin American Literature (Romero)

This course will deal with a special topic properly announce each semester. The topic assigned will be studied in detail and the students will develop proficiency in the theory and criticism associated with the topic assigned. The student will read a variety of text associated with the special topic.

Fall 2016

ARAB 7024 Hispano-Arabic Literature (Cadora)

This course explores in English translation Andalusian Arabic literature during the period when Spain was an Islamic and mostly Arabic speaking territory-from the 8th to the 13th century-and in the centuries following the Christian conquest, when Arabic continued to be widely used. The literature is presented and discussed within a sociopolitical and historical context, covering a hybrid culture that includes reference to art, philosophy, architecture, music, and some Hebrew and Romance literary texts. Film narratives and documentaries will be used extensively to supplement the reading assignments. Critical bibliography on and analysis of selected works will also be read and discussed.

RLL 7051 Foreign Language Teaching (Hwu)

This course is designed to address the needs and concerns of current and future foreign language instructors in a classroom in which the communicative language teaching approach is used. It explores various topics that lead to concrete suggestions for implementing communicative language teaching, including the role of compensable input in second language acquisition, the purposes of communication, the process of developing lesson goals, and grammar instruction in a communicative classroom.

SPAN 7067 Contemporary Caribbean Literature (Valladares-Ruiz)

Este curso propone una revisión panorámica de las más relevantes corrientes ideoestéticas en la narrativa caribeña de los siglos XX y XXI. A través de la lectura y discusión de novelas, cuentos, ensayos y materiales audiovisuales, se analizarán sus rasgos formales, puntos de afiliación y ruptura con la tradición literaria de la región y sus contextos intelectuales, artísticos, sociales e históricos. A lo largo del semestre indagaremos en el tratamiento literario de subjetividades nacionales, raciales, genéricas, políticas y religiosas en las sociedades poscoloniales y neocoloniales del Caribe hispano.

SPAN 8062 Topics in Spanish Literature: The Theater of Lorca (Perez-Simon)

This course reviews Lorca’s dramatic production, from his first play, El maleficio de la mariposa (1920) to his last writings right before his assassination by Fascist troops in 1936. We will study Lorca’s theater in dialogue with theoretical issues of modernist theater (the fourth wall, the actor/character relationship, the activation of audiences, etc.) while also establishing an intertextual connection with dramatic texts of Spanish Golden Age tradition (Cervantes’ entremeses, Lope de Vega’s tragedy El caballero de Olmedo, Calderón’s auto sacramental El gran teatro del mundo). Lorca’s plays to be studied: El maleficio de la mariposa, Los títeres de cachiporra, La zapatera prodigiosa, El Público, Bodas de sangre, Yerma, El sueño de la vida, La casa de Bernarda Alba.  

SPAN 8063 El sexo como discurso en la literatura española: 1500-2000 (Gutierrez)

The main goal of the course is to explore, as Foucault put it in The History of Sexuality, the way in which sex is "put into discourse” in Spanish literature. To that purpose, we will examine who did the speaking, the positions and viewpoints from which those voices spoke, the institutions which prompted or allowed people to speak about it and who stored and distributed what was said.

The corpus of reading materials covers five centuries (1500-2000) and combines canonical and non canonical texts, including La lozana andaluza, La Regenta, Sonata de estío and erotic poetry from across the centuries.