
The Cincinnati Romance Review, a peer-reviewed electronic journal published by the Department of Romance and Arabic Languages and Literatures of the University of Cincinnati, welcomes submissions at any time. We seek articles and reviews on a wide variety of topics related to Romance languages, literatures, and cultures.

What format should authors follow?

Articles and reviews must be written in compliance with MLA style (eighth edition). Parenthetical references should be used in conjunction with a bibliography to keep notes to a minimum. The main text as well as quotations, notes, and the bibliography should be double-spaced. Titles of books and journals should be in italics, not underlined. For examples of proper formatting, examine a recent issue. The preferred length for articles is 8,000 words, including the bibliography and notes, and the preferred length for book reviews is 1,000 words.

How do I submit an article?

Articles can be submitted electronically to María Paz Moreno. A complete submission includes: the cover sheet and one MS Word file consisting of your paper (the title, an 80-word summary, five keywords, and your article, with notes and bibliography). To guarantee anonymity, your name must not appear anywhere on your paper. However, make sure the title of your paper appears in the header of your document along with page number.

How do I submit a review?

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Before writing a review, consult with our editor. Proposals for reviews should be submitted electronically to María Paz Moreno.