Franco-Screens List

FRANCO-SCREENS Listserv Instructions and Guide

FRANCO-SCREENS (FRANCO-SCREENS@LISTSERV.UC.EDU) is a list dedicated to academic conversation about French and Francophone screen studies. It is hosted by the University of Cincinnati. Contact with any questions or issues.

Things to post on Franco-Screens

We imagine this partly as a Francofil for film, TV, and screen studies in particular, plus a place for more interactive discussions between French and Francophone screen scholars, teachers, and students. If you are here just for the announcements and prefer to not be included in discussions, you can sign up for the daily digest delivery format (instructions below).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Please share your:                                                                                                                            -book or article publication announcements                                                                                -conference CFPs                                                                                                                              -event announcements and reminders                                                                                          -news about screenings, filmmaker visits, and other happenings that might be accessible to other institutions                                                                                                                              -queries, inquiries, ideas regarding teaching and research in the francophone screen studies realm                                                                                                                                    -calls for panel participants                                                                                                            -other stuff that comes to mind and seems reasonable                                                              -job announcementsgrad program recruiting pitches

How do I subscribe to the list?

-Create a new message from the email account you want to use to subscribe.                        -In the subject line and message body enter the keyword "subscribe" followed by the list name, and then your name (put a space in between each of the three pieces of information).                                                                                                                                    -Send an e-mail to

Subject: subscribe FRANCO-SCREENS John Doe

E-mail body: subscribe FRANCO-SCREENS John Doe

Note: if you are already on the FRANCO-SCREENS list because your e-mail address was imported from the previous list, you will receive a nonsensical error message if you try to subscribe again.

How do I post to the list?

-Create a new message from the email account you used to subscribe to the list.                    -Enter a subject, as well as information in the body of the message that you want to send out.                                                                                                                                                    -Note that attachments are permitted                                                                                      -Send your message to                                                      -Note that everything that you type goes directly to the list (messages to or questions for the moderators should be e-mailed directly to Send the message.        -You will receive an e-mail asking you to click to confirm that the message that you sent originated with you. Right now we are not requiring that messages be pre-approved by the moderator since this delay would potentially detract from the back-and-forth nature of discussion threads. Hopefully it won't become necessary to add the additional screening step.

How to change your subscription to daily digest to avoid receiving every message shared on the list.

You can use the “Set” and “Mail digest” commands to consolidate the mail into a single large message, usually once a day. You can then check the list of topics at the beginning of the message and scroll down to what interests you.                                                                          -Send an e-mail to                                                                          -Subject: set FRANCO-SCREENS mail digest                                                                                  -E-mail body: set FRANCO-SCREENS mail digest

How do I unsubscribe from the list?

-Create a new message from the email account you used to subscribe to the list.                    -In the subject line and message body enter the keyword "unsubscribe" followed by the list name.                                                                                                                                                -Send an e-mail to                                                                              -Subject: unsubscribe FRANCO-SCREENS                                                                                    -E-mail body: unsubscribe FRANCO-SCREENS