Summer Spanish Local Immersion Program

Image of Sunset in Cincinnati's Over the Rhine district abutting an anagram depicting the initials LLI representing the Local Language Immersion program.

Sunset in OTR, by 5chw4r7z on Flckr

The Local Language Immersion (LLI) experience accelerates language learning by simulating elements of a study-abroad environment, drawing from the rich cultural heritage within the local context of the Cincinnati area. This six-credit, six-week summer program provides a springboard for students to develop their linguistic and cultural competence, affording opportunities to transfer classroom knowledge to the real world. LLI students will actively participate in a series of co-curricular activities while also taking a summer language course. The LLI program empowers students to communicate confidently, providing meaningful opportunities to use the target language in an environment devoted to academic excellence, diversity, and intercultural communication.

A four image collage depicting a class posing on the quad, a food demonstration. a dance class, and a lecturer talking to students.

Local Spanish Immersion Program:

All students will enroll in SPAN 3020. Intermediate-level students will also enroll in SPAN 2016, and advanced level students will enroll in 3040.This 6-credit program counts towards the minor/major. 

Visual indicating the course options for the Spanish LLI program.  The information is outline in the text just below this image.

Courses:                                                                                                                                                  SPAN 2016: This 3-credit-hour course is the second of the Composition and Conversation sequence.  Emphasis is on the continued building of linguistic and cultural competence in Spanish through communication.

SPAN 3040: This 3-credit-hour course focuses on the understanding of issues related to the Hispanic language and culture. The topics may vary from one summer to the other. Contact the coordinator if you want to get more information about it.

SPAN 3020: This “course” offers 8-10 hours of weekly co-curricular activities that promote sustained use of Spanish. These activities will focus on: a) implementation of daily activities in Spanish, such as cooking, board games, or sport activities; b) engagement with scholarly activities focused on culture, such as art exhibitions, workshops on script writing or lectures; and c) contact with local communities in the Greater Area of Cincinnati.

Schedule:                                                                                                                                                    LLI for 2024 will take place during Summer Session B, from July 1st to August 3rd. Courses will follow the summer block schedule. SPAN 2016 and SPAN 3040 will meet Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays from 2:00-4:40pm. The immersion experience, SPAN 3020, will meet Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 6:00-8:40pm.

Immersion Activities:                                                                                                                          Some of the co-curricular activities that will take place during the Language Immersion Experience are:  o   Cooking class                                                                                                                                              o   Film festivals                                                                                                                                                o   Art workshops (dance, music, script, …)                                                                                                    o   Speakers from the Latino community from UC and outside UC                                                                o   Sports activities                                                                                                                                    ***Please note this is not an exhaustive list.

Cost:                                                                                                                                                                The only cost to students is for the six credits. The Program has a $90 program fee to cover the cost of some of the activities.

How do I apply?                                                                                                                                          Contact Dr. Juan Godoy (                                                                                Coordinator of Local Spanish Immersion Program

Safety:                                                                                                                                                            The LLI Program will follow the university’s COVID-19 safety protocols (linked here) in place for Summer Session B, including mask-wearing and social distancing. We are committed to the continued safety of students and faculty.

Faculty:                                                                                                                                                        Dr. Juan Godoy ( )                                                                                                  Coordinator of Local Spanish Immersion Program and Program Co-Designer                                          Assistant Professor Educator in Spanish

Dr. Kara Moranski (                                                                                                Affiliated Faculty and Program Co-Designer                                                                                                  Assistant Professor

If you would like to know more information about the program, please watch this Information Session about it.