Funding Sources for Graduate Students
Funding Sources for Graduate Students
Graduate Assistantships
Full-time students are eligible to be considered for a Graduate Assistantship. Our Assistantships are very competitive with other MA programs. They cover the cost of tuition for 2 years and all but a few fees. They also provide $15,776 each year for living expenses. Most students teach sections of Public Speaking, which they find very rewarding. We sometimes have positions outside the school in International Studies and the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences as well.
UC Students 4+1 BA/MA Program Funding
When taking graduate courses in the senior year, students receive a UGS tuition scholarship, which results in your paying undergraduate tuition rates. After earning the BA degree, students will be formally admitted to the Graduate School and be charged graduate tuition for their coursework. In that second year, students receive a UGS tuition scholarship equal to 25% of graduate tuition for two semesters of full-time graduate study.
Students in their “+1” year of the program can apply for Graduate Assistantships on campus. However, there is no guarantee of these positions.
Positions at UC
Students who do not have funding can search for on-campus positions. See