Why study Communicating Science, Health, Environment, and Risk?

The Communicating Science, Health, Environment & Risk Certificate helps students gain in-depth understanding and practical experience in the areas of health and environmental communication, science, and risk. This certificate offers significant value to Arts & Sciences students in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities, as well as students majoring in Health Education and Promotion, Health Information Management, Health Sciences, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Nursing, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, other public health/environmental/science programs, and students on a Pre-Medical Pathway. Additionally, this certificate benefits Communication students planning to work in health and environmental organizations and contexts, such as pharmaceutical sales, public information officer, health education, scientific writing, and community organizer. The certificate allows students to effectively demonstrate their unique expertise in communicating complex ideas with multiple publics in interpersonal, public, and mediated settings.

Admission Requirements

Students already pursuing a degree in any college at UC can add the certificate to their program. Be sure to submit a declaration of the certificate program using our certificate declaration form.

In addition, you must meet with the program director so that they are aware that you are pursuing the certificate and can advise you appropriately. Do this early enough to avoid delay in obtaining your certificate.

Students not currently pursuing a degree at UC may declare the certificate after establishing non-matriculated status.

People who are successful in this career field have excellent writing and speaking skills, are people-oriented, and are passionate about issues related to health, science, and/or the environment.

  • Health/Medical/Environmental Public Relations
  • Marketing Specialist
  • Community Relations
  • Fundraising and Events Management
  • Health, Science & Medical Writing
  • Health Education, Health Campaigns & Social Marketing
  • Patient Advocacy
  • Pharmaceutical Sales
  • Government Lobbying
  • Community Organizing
  • Public Information Officer
  • Environmental Programs Director
  • Environmental/Health Advocacy & Canvas Director
The information provided is sourced from a third party, Lightcast. Their product, called Career Coach, combines extensive labor market data from Lightcast and the U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics. It provides insights on industry, occupation, compensation, and projected growth for each profession. Economic and workforce information is available for various geographic regions. Some careers may require additional training or education.

For more information, contact the School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies.

To receive the Communicating Science, Health, Environment & Risk Certificate, students will be required to:

  1. Declare officially and enroll electronically in the College (A&S).
  2. Complete 18 credit hours of courses as prescribed.
  3. Maintain at least a 2.0 GPA in courses offered for the certificate.
The University of Cincinnati and all regional campuses are accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Contact Information

Certificate Director
2800 Clifton Ave.
4234A Clifton Court Hall
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0184
(513) 556-4440

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Program Code: 15CRT-SHER-C2