
Building the Future

Initiated in the fall of 2023, SEaS is built for the future. Created in response to student and faculty demand for a comprehensive hub of environmental research and teaching, SEaS is also UC’s response to external social and political urgency. We will be home to new programs in sustainability, both graduate and undergraduate, and our faculty will undertake research that will help solve local and global environmental problems. SEaS will continue to develop curricular and research programs that increase the visibility and understanding of environmental issues on campus, in our community, and across the globe.

A Message from the Interim School Director


Welcome to the inaugural alumni newsletter from the School of Environment andSustainability (SEaS), the new home of Environmental Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences. 

SEaS came into being last fall, after years of hard work by dedicated faculty andsupportive students and administrators. SEaS is responsible for nearly 300 current students, and we are planning for growth.

In addition to creating a new school, we have also been busy creating a new EVST major; a bachelor of arts to accompany our long-lived bachelor of science. The bachelor of arts emphasizes environmental humanities, policy and communication. In its first year, it has already attracted nearly 50 students!

We expect continued growth in both undergraduate programs. Additionally, we are now anticipating the creation of graduate degrees in environmental studies and in the sustainability field.

With the college's support, we are currently engaged in a national search for apermanent director of the school, which has produced a strong pool of candidates. We anticipate this new director will lead two additional faculty searches next year. 

I invite you to learn more about SEaS by visiting the subsequent pages. Here you’ll find news related to Environmental Studies faculty and students. And, for the first time, you can give to a fund that supports our school. Our priority is to use this fund to recognize the hard work and success of SEaS students.

In that vein, SEaS faculty recently created the Arnold I. Miller Award for Outstanding Rising Senior. We’ll solicit applications this spring for the inaugural award, which is named for Dr. Arnie Miller, an emeritus professor of geology, former senior associate dean, and a formative director of the school.

We have kept in touch with many of you, tapping into your experience and connections, but we hope to build our alumni community for our mutual benefit. Along these lines, this spring we will assemble an Environmental Studies Alumni Advisory Board. If you would like to be on this board, please send me a note. If you would like to participate in other ways, please connect to discover opportunities to interact with, mentor, and employ our current students. 

I look forward to hearing from you.

Take care,

David Stradling

David Stradling

Zane L. Miller Professor of History
Interim Director, School of Environment and Sustainability