Recent PhD Graduates
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Please note that those recently defended may not be available yet.
Katie Durante (Summer 2017)
Dissertation: The Effects of Jurisdictional Context on Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Prison Admissions
Committee: Jeff Timberlake (Chair), Jennifer Malat, Ben Feldmeyer
Tamika Odum (Summer 2017)
Dissertation: Our Journey, Our Voice: Understanding Motherhood and Reproductive Agency in African American Communities
Committee: Anna Linders (Chair), Danielle Bessett, Jennifer Malat, Patricia Hill Collins
Current position: Assistant Processor of Sociology at UC Blue Ash
Jacqueline Elcik (Summer 2016)
Dissertation: Reconsidering Parental and Marital Status as Influences on Women's Work Experiences
Committee: David Maume (Chair), Paula Dubeck, Steve Carlton-Ford
Travis Speice (Summer 2016)
Dissertation: Manning Up and Queening Out: Gay Men's Negotiations of Gender and Sexuality
Committee: Anna Linders (Chair), Steven Carlton-Ford, Erynn Casanova
Megan Underhill (Summer 2016)
Ciera Graham (Summer 2015)
Dissertation: Black Spaces at White Institutions: How Do Black Students Percieve and Utilize Black Student Campus Organizations at Rural and Predominantly White Campuses?
Committee: Anna Linders (Chair), Jennifer Malat, Ervin (Maliq) Matthew, Earl Wright II
Paul Anderson (Spring 2015)
Dissertation: Rural Urban Differences in Educational Outcomes: Does Religious Social Capital Matter?
Committee: Littisha Bates (Chair), Jeff Timberlake, Sarah Mayorga-Gallo
Marcella Cameron Meyer (Spring 2015)
Dissertation: Sibling Legacy: Stories About and Bonds Constructed with Siblings Who Were Never Known
Committee: Steven Carlton-Ford (Co-Chair), Anna Linders (Co-Chair), C. Jeffery Jacobson
Jennifer Carter (Fall 2014)
Dissertation: Let's Bang: Constructing, Reinforcing, and Embodying Orthodox Masculinity in Women's Full Contact, Tackle Football
Current position: Visiting Assistant Professor, Miami University-Hamilton
Jeffrey Asher (Fall 2014)
Dissertation: Dirty Work and Courtesy Stigma: Stigma Management Techniques among Professionals who Work with Juvenile Sex Offenders
Current position: Juvenile Justice Administration
Aaron Howell (Fall 2014)
Dissertation: All in the Family: Residential Outcomes and Family Proximity
Committee: Jeffery Timberlake (Chair), Jennifer Malat, Ervin (Maliq) Matthew
Current position: Assistant Professor of Sociology, Farmingdale State College, NY.
Joe Michael (Summer 2014)
Dissertation: Determinants and Effects of Student Involvement at Elite Colleges and Universities in the United States
Committee: Jeffrey Timberlake (Chair), Jennifer Malat, Littisha Bates
Current position: Senior Consultant, Deloitte, VA
Amy Grau (Fall 2013)
Dissertation: The Epitome of Bad Parents: Construction of Good and Bad Parenting, Mothering, and Fathering in Cases of Maternal and Paternal Filicide
Committee: Annulla Linders (Chair), Jeffrey Timberlake, and Erynn Casanova Current position: Assistant Professor of Sociology, Eastern New Mexico University, NM
Julie Stewart (Summer 2013)
Dissertation: Colorblind Commercials: Depictions of Interracial Relationships in Television Advertising
Committee: Jeffrey Timberlake (Chair), Erynn Casanova, and Annulla Linders
Mark Killian (Summer 2013)
Dissertation: Everything in Common: The Strength and Vitality of Two Christian Intentional Communities
Committee: Steve Carlton-Ford (Chair), Jeffrey Timberlake, and Erynn Casanova
Current position: Assistant Professor of Sociology, Whitworth University, WA
Rebecca Reeder (Spring 2013)
Dissertation: A New Approach to the Study of the Relationship of Minority Majority Group Status on Health Disparities: How Social Positions Affect Preterm Births
Committee: David Maume (Chair), Neal Ritchey, and Jeffrey Timberlake
Current position: Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology at IPFW
Ying Ma (2012)
Dissertation: The Acquisition and Maintenance of Ethnic Languages among Second-Generation Immigrant Children
Committee: Steve Carlton-Ford (Chair), Jeffrey Timberlake, Littisha Bates
Current Position: Assistant Professor of Sociology, Austin Peay University, TN
Bastas, Hara (2011)
Dissertation: Girls' Rights: An Insight into the United Nations from 1995-2010
Committee: Steve Carlton-Ford (Chair), Paula Dubeck, and Annulla Linders
Current position: Assistant Professor of Sociology, La Guardia Community College, NY
Vicky Dryfhout-Ferguson (2010)
Dissertation: Racial Disparities in Pregnancy Outcomes
Committee: Jeffrey Timberlake (Chair), Jennifer Malat, Magda Szaflarski
Ahoo Tabatabai (2010)
Dissertation: Vanishing Act: Doing Non-straight Identity in Heterosexual Relationships
Committee: Annulla Linders (Chair), Rhys Williams, Steve Carlton-Ford, Erynn
Current position: Assistant Professor of Sociology, Columbia College, St. Louis, MO
Lisa Fisher (2010)
Dissertation: Flexible Work Arrangements in Context: How Identity, Place & Process Shape Approaches to Flexibility
Committee: Paula Dubeck (Chair), Rhys Williams, David Maume
Current position: Assistant Director, Office of Institutional Research, Bowling Green State University Firelands
Michael Wehrman (2009)
Dissertation: Returning to Crime: Individual and Community Effects on Recidivism
Committee: David Maume (Chair), Jeffrey Timberlake, Francis Cullen, Paula Dubeck
Current position: Assistant Professor of Sociology, Cabrini College, PA.
Pamela Dooley (2009)
Dissertation: Examining individual and neighborhood-level risk factors for delivering Preterm
Committee: Neal Ritchey (Chair), Jennifer Malat, Jeffrey Timberlake, Paula Dubeck
Current position: Senior Analyst, Health Care, United States Government Accountability Office
Rex Ace Caswell (2008)
Dissertation: Gender and Work Reactions in a Sales Occupation: A Test of Three Models
Committee: Paula Dubeck (Chair), David Maume, Francis Cullen, Jennifer Malat
Current Position: Vice President, Lexis/Nexis
Jaita Talukdar (2008)
Dissertation: A Sociological Study of the Culture of Fasting and Dieting of Women in Urban India
Committee: Annulla Linders (Chair), Kelly Moore, Rhys Williams, David Maume
Current position: Assistant Professor of Sociology, Loyola University, New Orleans
Ann Hamill (2008)
Dissertation: Two Moral Universes: The Social Problem of the Idiots from 1845 to 1855 and Mentally Retarded Sons and Daughters from 1945 to 1955
Committee: Anna Linders (Chair), Paula Dubeck, Rhys Williams, David Lundgren