War, Peace, and Security Certificate Details and Curriculum (Semesters)

Certificate Details

The Certificate in War, Peace, and Security provides students with the substantive knowledge and analytic skills necessary to understand the changing nature of contemporary security. Courses cover homeland security, human security, national security, regional security, and international security. Thus, students can complete a variety of courses focusing on public administration, intergovernmental relations, civil rights and civil liberties, constitutional law, terrorism, civil wars and nationalism, international conflict and crisis management, human rights, the enforcement of international law, the relevancy of alliances and institutions, and broader prospects for international security cooperation.

For those interested in the policy-oriented aspects of international security, the certificate includes classes on the topics of U.S. foreign policy, national and international security policies, and the regional politics of Africa, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, South Asia, and East Asia. Security studies courses are also available from other disciplines such as History, Geography, Sociology, Criminal Justice, Communications, Economics and Business and others. Knowledge of cultures of certain regions and foreign languages is considered especially valuable for those who plan to work in the field. Similarly, technical and research skills such as data processing and programming are important for successful careers in homeland and informational security.


This curriculum information is intended as a general information guide for students considering enrollment in this program. These online tools are designed to assist you, but are not a substitute for planning with an academic or faculty advisor.

If you have declared that you will pursue the certificate or are enrolled in it, you can check your degree requirements online. If you are considering transferring to this major from another school, use u.select to see how credits you have earned will transfer to UC. See course descriptions by college.

Curriculum Guide Versions:

War, Peace, and Security Curriculum Guide