Bookmark this page for all upcoming Portman Center programming!
Thursday, February 20, 2025 - Bipartisan Opportunities in the 119th Congress
11:00 a.m.–12:20 p.m., Clifton Court Hall 5280
Ohio Representatives Greg Landsman and Mike Carey have been working across the aisle in the U.S. Congress. They will be discussing their legislative work, including ways that House Democrats and House Republicans can come together to find common ground and pass legislation, even in the midst of intense polarization and gridlock.
Registration for this program is closed.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 - Civility for Democracy: Skills for Disagreeing Better
12:30–1:50 p.m., Lindner Hall 1220-1225. Lunch provided
Led by Eugene Rutz, Associate Dean in the College of Engineering and Applied Science and Sahana Sathiyanarayanan, Student Fellow from the Warren Bennis Leadership Institute
This workshop helps participants understand the values and concerns of those who differ from them politically, and it teaches essential skills for communicating across differences and finding common ground.
The Civility for Democracy series is presented by the Portman Center for Policy Solutions, Warren Bennis Leadership Institute, The Cincinnati Ethics Center and University Honors in collaboration with UC Libraries and the Cincinnati Alliance of Braver Angels.