Research Overview

  • Maika Arnold - "The affects of immigration in relation to gender, race, and class on the meaning of aging for Filipina-American Women." (Advisor: Terri Premo)

  • Julia Davenport - "Interrogating the Concept of Community among Women Migrant Farm Workers in Southern California and northern Mexico." (Advisor: Olga Sanmiguel-Valderrama)

  • Kayte Gilmore - "Cissexual partners of trans identified people." (Advisor: Andrea Kornbluh)

  • Ilycia Kahn - "Demarcating the Kinky: The Inclusivity of Sex-Positive Feminism" (Advisor: Andrea Kornbluh)

  • Adryan Mitchell - "Exploring Cesarean Section Births and the Poverty of Postpartum Care for Lower/Working Class Mothers in the U.S." (Advisor: Olga Sanmiguel-Valderrama)

  • Sarah Szekeresh - "Patriots, Terrorists, and Aliens: Constructing Borders and Ordaining Violence in a Post 9-11 Context" (Advisor: Amy Lind)

  • Connie Underwood — "Cultivating Success for Women Entering College as Non-Traditional Students" (Advisor: Michelle Gibson)