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The A&S Equity JumpStart

Due to the success of the A&S Equity JumpStart coupled with the YWCA Greater Cincinnati 21-Day Equity Challenge, and the request for additional content, we will be releasing monthly updates to help people in their journey. They can be found after the original A&S JumpStart challenge content. 

Equity won’t happen by accident — we have to be intentional and strategic as we move toward a more just and equitable world. As we march toward this goal, equity education and habit-building are necessary tools. Join the College of Arts and Sciences as we partner with the YWCA Greater Cincinnati to embark on the Equity JumpStart and 21-day Equity Challenge.

What is the 21-Day Equity Challenge?

The 21-Day Equity Challenge is a self-guided equity education and habit building tool. Created by Dr. Eddie Moore, Jr., founder and director of the Privilege Institute, the 21-Day Challenge is intended to walk participants through a series of topics that furthers our understanding of equity issues but also pushes us to deeply engage with building habits that lead to equity. 

Throughout the 21 days, participants are encouraged to read something, watch or listen to something, and then do something each day. The goal is to engage with the ideas, concepts and materials for about 30 minutes each day, building a foundation for new habits and ideals around equity. 

Why Participate in an Equity Challenge?

As you prepare to participate in the YWCA Greater Cincinnati’s 21-Day Equity Challenge, we have prepared a week’s worth of material that will introduce you to foundational concepts. Just as with the 21-Day Equity Challenge, each day you will read and watch something, and then do something. We hope that you engage with this JumpStart Challenge and register to join us as we walk through the 21-Day Equity Challenge with the YWCA.

Ready, Set, JumpStart!

A number of people often use the terms equality and equity interchangeably, but they are not the same. On this first day, we invite you to learn more about how these words differ and what a difference the meanings make.

We all have privilege, which is what makes this concept tricky and hard to grasp. For day 2 we invite you to take a deeper dive to understand how privilege works and develop a better understanding of your privilege.

  • Read: The term white privilege can be triggering for some and lead to a defensive response. In this Huff Post piece, Gina Crosley-Corcoran discusses how white privilege is still a thing, even for poor whites.

    We also invite you to check out this article from Well and Good which highlights the different types of privilege we all may have. 

  • Watch: Privilege is part of each day of our lives. Depending on how privilege affects you it may not be easy to understand. The scenario in this video should help.

  • Do: The Identity Wheel exercise, from Nicole Clark Consulting, allows us to consider the role our identities play in how the world views us and how we view ourselves. 

The topic for day 3 is bias. Bias is a normal part of the social experience, but it can be dangerous when left unmitigated. Learn more about how bias affects you and those around you. 

One of the ways that bias manifests is through microaggressions. On day 4 we will be exploring the ways in which these subtle and sometimes unintentional acts cause harm and perpetuate inequity. 

Privilege, bias and microaggressions all impact equity, and have been built into the foundation of our society. On this last day of the A&S Equity JumpStart, we invite you to explore how inequities in one part of our social world and institutions build on one other to create a larger web of inequity. 

Insta Story Template

Insta Story Tempate

  • Do: Thank you for joining us this week! We hope that you have learned something new and encourage you to register to participate in the YWCA Greater Cincinnati’s 21-Day Equity Challenge.

    For your last activity please take some time and reflect on what you have learned over the last few days.

    We want to hear from you! Post your reflection on social media using #ASEquityJumpStart and feel free to use our Insta Story Template that was created just for the A&S Equity JumpStart Challenge.  

Thank you for taking this journey with us! We look forward to taking the YWCA Greater Cincinnati’s 21-Day Equity Challenge beginning March 1st as a community. Visit the A&S Equity site often for more resources and program updates. 

The Journey Continues




  • Read this article from The Center for American Progress about how the burden of toxic stress contributes to unequal life outcomes for girls and women of color. 
  • Did you know the life expectancy of Americans is significantly lower than peer countries? Learn more about how wealth affects health in this article from the American Psychological Association. 
  • The Association of American Medical Colleges how medical racism leads to Black patients in suffering through more pain. Check it out here.
  • Read this article on how the negative impact of institutional racism on maternal and infant mortality for Native American women. 
  • Maternal and infant health has been a rising issue in our nation. Watch as this panel discusses Healing the Maternal Health Divide
  • Read this article on the racial disparities in COVID-19


  • Please take some time and reflect on what you have learned and how it has impacted you.
  • Dig deeper to learn more about inequities in public health
    • Learn more about your neighborhood
  • Think about ways you can help make a change
  • Take action!








National Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated annually from September 15 to October 15. Over the next few weeks, we celebrate the rich history and cultural contributions of people with ancestors from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. Get a brief overview of the Hispanic Heritage Month by watching this video from YouTube channel NowThis

You may be asking yourself, “why does the holiday begin in the middle of the month?”. Well, there are several reasons. Originally Hispanic Heritage Week, the United States began observing this holiday in 1968. The celebration expanded to an entire month in 1988. Additionally, this period includes many dates of historical significance. They are as follows: 

September 15 - Independence Day for Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua 

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September 15 - October 15 - Creando Comunidad: Latinx Heritage Month

  • The University of Cincinnati is proud to celebrate the traditions, culture, and accomplishments of our Latinx Bearcats! Join the Office of Ethnic Programs & Services for events September 15 - October 15.

September 16 - Independence Day for Mexico 

September 18-19 - Dieciocho or Independence Day for Chile 

  • Celebrated for 2-3 days each year, Dieciocho celebrates the day Chilean people declared independence from Spain. Get a glimpse of how this historical moment is celebrated today by watching this video on Chile's National Holiday (Fiestas Patrias)

October 12 - Día de la Raza or Columbus Day  

  • While we recognize the significance of this day for the history of the Americas, it is important to situate that significance within historical accuracy. Learn the truth about Christopher Columbus in Christopher Columbus Was a Murderous Moron from YouTube channel Adam Ruins Everything. 

In addition to these resources we encourage you to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by partnering community organizations. Below are a few resources at the University of Cincinnati: 

As we prepare for the coming winter, many of us look forward to various religious and cultural celebrations. As Christmas soon approaches, we know marketing and messaging tends to centralize western Christian practices. To make spaces for historically underrepresented groups, this month's equity challenge will feature some of society’s overlooked observances. Please note this content concentrates on events occuring on the winter months and is not a definite list. If you have any suggestions for other dates email our team, ArtSciIECP@ucmail.uc.edu. Your responses will be included in the upoming A&S Inclusive Calendar. 

November 28 – December 6: Hanukkah

December 8 – January 10 (secular and lunar observance, respectively): Bodhi Day

December 16 – 24: Las Posadas

December 26 – January 1: Kwanzaa

January 7: Eastern Orthodox Christmas 

January 18: Mahayana New Year

February 1: Chinese New Year

March 1: Maha Shivaratri


Featured image courtesy of Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash