Our Ongoing Commitment to Equity, Inclusion and Excellence

Much has changed since March of 2020, when we as a college released our original statement on Equity, Inclusion and Excellence. As we have transitioned to new leadership under Dean James Mack, one thing remains unchanged: our commitment to implementing and sustaining policies that reflect our promise to cultivate a climate of inclusive excellence in our college.

Since March of 2020, we have made progress toward that end. Through this equity and inclusion digital hub, we share our progress, including transparent data on our demographic changes; celebrations of our individual and collective successes; resources and centers established that support this mission; and tools that empower individuals to actively participate in change and connect with leadership to address and resolve grievances.

We encourage you to explore this community hub, and find ways to join our forward movement into a more just and equitable college, as the moral arc of the universe continues its ongoing bend toward justice.

Read the original Statement on Equity, Inclusion and Excellence >